Which Customers Tip the Most?

Which Customers Tip the Most?
While most sellers get a fair share of their business from one-time visitors, people are uniquely loyal to their neighborhood coffee shops.
by Square Oct 19, 2014 — 1 min read
Which Customers Tip the Most?

We’ve talked before about how much you can learn about your business from your repeat customers. And while most sellers get a fair share of their business from one-time visitors, people are uniquely loyal to their neighborhood coffee shops. Two-thirds of customers return at least once a month.

According to Square data, one in every 20 customers at cafes and coffee shops comes back to the store that same day. Over two consecutive days, the number jumps to more than one in 10. And during a typical work week, 15 percent of customers come back at least twice.

But how much do these customers tip? Our data shows that, on average, people tip 18 percent at coffee shops. But surprisingly, repeat customers aren’t as generous. In fact, they tip about 20 percent less than single-visit customers.

Not to say these customers aren’t crucial to your business. SumAll estimates that 25 to 40 percent of a business’s revenue comes from repeat visits. So while repeat customers are perhaps not tipping as much, they’re making up for it with their afternoon espresso fix.

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