What Type of Business Owner are You, Really? [QUIZ]

What Type of Business Owner are You, Really? [QUIZ]
Your approach to managing and growing your business is, in part, dependent on what you actually sell and where you sell it. But it’s also influenced by your own personality.
by Square Apr 30, 2019 — 1 min read
What Type of Business Owner are You, Really? [QUIZ]

No two business owners are exactly alike. And there are infinite ways you might approach the day-to-day management of a business and your plan for growth. Some might emphasize team building, while others focus on the bottom line or developing a brand.

Your approach to managing and growing your business is, in part, dependent on what you actually sell and where you sell it. But it’s also influenced by your own personality.

We’ve identified five types of business owners. Take the quiz and see which one you are:

No matter what type of business owner you are — whether you’re selling in person, online, or both — Square has all the tools you need to start, run, and grow your business. We’ve made all our tools work together as one system, saving you time, money, and effort. So you can get back to doing the work you love and focus on whatever’s next. See how Square works.

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