NFC Mobile Payments Increase Tips (And Other Highlights from #PayFasterPortland)

We spent the last six weeks in Portland, educating local businesses about the fastest, most secure form of payment—NFC mobile payments (like Apple Pay). As a result, thousands of Portland sellers implemented Square’s new contactless and chip reader. Here’s what happened:

Customers tip more with contactless payments

Tips increased

NFC mobile payments are super fast. And as it turns out, they’re also better for tips. Customers who used their NFC device or EMV chip card with Square’s contactless and chip reader tipped more than customers who used traditional magstripe cards.

More and more people are tapping to pay

Over the two-month #PayFasterPortland campaign, more and more Portlanders started using their mobile devices to pay at businesses that have upgraded to Square’s new contactless and chip reader.

Portland now has the highest “tap-to-pay” rates in the country

Even before #PayFasterPortland, the city was number one in the country for orders for our new contactless and chip reader. And now the rate of people in Portland paying on Square’s new reader with mobile wallets like Apple Pay is higher than the national average.

Portland businesses where people are using mobile wallets the most:

Thanks to all the wonderful businesses that participated in #PayFasterPortland. We loved meeting all of you.

The Bottom Line is brought to you by a global team of collaborators who believe that anyone should be able to participate and thrive in the economy.


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