Gift card marketplace

Boost sales, one gift card at a time.

Square partners with multiple gift card marketplaces, making it easy to expand your reach.

Meet our partners.


The all-in-one incentives delivery and rewards fulfillment platform that makes it easy to create stunning experiences that drive engagement and participation.


With Giftogram, the recipient chooses their preferred digital gift card from thousands of popular retailers, restaurants, and services. It can be delivered digitally or ordered physically with custom branded greeting cards.


Thnks is a digital gratitude platform for professionals to build better relationships by sharing personalized gestures of appreciation. It’s an easy and efficient way to spread kindness in the workplace.

A spotlight on local businesses.

Give & Get Local

Browse our very own marketplace to find and purchase gift cards from local Square sellers, wherever you are.

Get started.

Getting your eGift Card into online marketplaces is easier than ever.

  • Simply go to Gift Cards in your online Square Dashboard.
  • Then under the eGift Cards tab, select Configure and toggle on Sell eGift Cards online and Show a link to my eGift Cards in public directories.
  • You can adjust your participation at any time by turning this toggle on/off.

Let the gift cards keep on giving.