
BookFresh and Square Appointments FAQs

If you previously used BookFresh, review answers to frequently asked questions about the migration process to Square Appointments.

How do I migrate my BookFresh account info to Square Appointments?

Your BookFresh information will automatically migrate to Square Appointments. Once you’ve logged in to your BookFresh account, just follow the prompts to get started.

What will my login credentials be for Square?

To login to the Square Appointments dashboard, enter your BookFresh email and password.

What information will be migrated to Square Appointments?

Appointments, services, staff, and client info will be moved automatically by the migration process. If you’re planning on using Square for Teams (i.e. managing staff with Appointments), you’ll need to create your staff members and set their permission groups
from your online dashboard. If you wish to migrate, please do not create your staff members until you have completed your migration.

Note: Disabled staff on your BookFresh staff dashboard will not be imported into Square Appointments.

How do I get started with Square Appointments?

You can learn more about setting up your Square Appointments account, including online booking, staff permissions, and calendar management with our Get Started Guide.

Will I still be able to access my BookFresh account?

No, access was disabled November 30th, 2017. Learn more about setting up your account with Square Appointments.