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Fees and payments FAQs

We put together a Square payments fees overview to help educate sellers on Square processing fees along with a list of corresponding FAQ about processing payments with Square.

Square fees and accepted cards

What are your fees?

Visit our support article outlining Square’s processing fees in detail. You can read more about how processing fees and rates are calculated.

Have Square’s processing fees recently changed?

If you signed up on or after 30 May 2024, you will have a processing fee of 1.6% when processing card-present transactions, regardless of hardware type.

This includes card-present payments taken across all Square apps on Square Reader, Square Stand, Square Terminal and Square Register. Note: This does not include Afterpay in-person or online transactions.

For questions regarding pricing prior to 30 May 2024, please contact Square support at squareup.com/contact.

Read more about Square’s processing fees.

Do you offer custom rates?

Yes! Every business has its own needs. Square Sales can help you simplify your operations and improve your bottom line. If you’re processing over $250k in card sales, contact our Sales Team to see how Square can suit your business.

Can I accept a chip card?

Yes. Chip cards can be inserted and processed with the Square Reader, Square Stand, Square Register or Square Terminal.

How do I charge a card using Square hardware?

You can process a debit or credit card by:

Payment Questions

How do I accept payments from my laptop or desktop?

You can accept card payments from your laptop or desktop computer in a couple of different ways:

Where can I see my free processing credit?

If you’ve referred, or have been referred by another business to use Square, you’ll see fee reimbursements reflected in your transfer summaries and in the Transactions tab on your online Square Dashboard or from the POS app.

To view the Transfer Report:

  • Visit Banking > Balance > Transfer Reports in your online Square Dashboard > select a transfer.
  • You’ll see fees reimbursed in the Free Processing row of the transfer summary.

To view in the Transactions tab:

  • Visit the Transactions tab on your online Square Dashboard or from the POS app.
  • You’ll see the total fees reflected in the summary section.

Note: If you are using a mobile device to view the Transactions tab, use landscape orientation or view on desktop for best results.

You can also see how much free processing credits you have left under the Get Free Processing section of your Square Dashboard.

Learn more about the Square referral program.

Can I manually enter or key in a card payment?

Yes. If the card isn’t present, or you’re unable to swipe it, you can manually key in card payments without Square Reader. Other available options are sending your customer a Square Invoice or processing the payment using Virtual Terminal.

Learn how sellers protect themselves from fraud and chargebacks with safety tips for manually entered transactions.

How do I provide a receipt?

Send your customer a receipt via email or text message when you process their payment, or later on from the Square app and the online Square Dashboard. If the option to send a receipt isn’t given after a transaction, that means your customer is already subscribed to Automatic Receipts from Square sellers.

View step-by-step instructions to send and print receipts.

Can I process a refund?

Yes. Refunds processed through Square on a mobile device must be requested and completed within 120 days of the original transaction. Payments refunded via your online Square Dashboard can be refunded within one year of the original transaction date. Once this window has passed, you must issue refunds outside of Square.

Learn how to process refunds.

How do I delete an accidental payment?

While you aren’t able to delete any transactions that have been processed through Square, you can process a refund on any payment to keep your books in order.

I’m having trouble with my internet connection. Can I still accept card payments?

Yes. If your internet connection becomes interrupted or temporarily unavailable, enable Offline payments to accept card payments.

Note: You cannot accept Afterpay or eftpos-only cards offline. The Square app securely stores the payment card details for 24 hours until the device is reconnected to the internet.

Why is my customer’s card declining?

Cards can be declined by the card-issuing bank or by Square if any information is entered incorrectly. Try these payment troubleshooting tips.

Why does my customer see a pending charge?

Incomplete payments may temporarily appear on your customer’s card statement, but they’re not actual charges and should fall off your customer’s statement in a few days. It‘s the card-issuing bank’s responsibility to release funds from pending charges. This process can take anywhere from 2-7 business days depending on the card-issuing bank’s processing speeds.

How do I add a note to a payment?

Notes on payments are a great way of providing additional information to item descriptions and itemising custom amount transactions. View steps for adding notes on payments.


When will my money be transferred?

You can choose to receive your funds through one of our two transfer options:

  • Automatic transfers: If you need access to your funds faster, you can use next day transfers to send your funds the next working day. Learn more about Square’s Automatic Transfer Schedule.
  • Manual Transfers: Instead of automatic transfers, you can select manual transfers to choose when to transfer your money. Your funds will be available in your Square balance, and you can decide when to transfer them to your linked bank account. Your funds will then arrive in your bank account the next day—at no extra cost.

Check out your transfer options with Square.

Square Support

Our in-depth Support Centre provides answers to your Square-related questions. Check out the Square Point of Sale Guide – it’s a great place to start. If you have further questions, contact Square Support.

Find answers to questions about your Square account.