How to Write Great Subject Lines That Get Your Emails Opened

How to Write Great Subject Lines That Get Your Emails Opened
Customer receive dozens of emails every single day — yours have to stand out.
by square Oct 27, 2021 — 3 min read
How to Write Great Subject Lines That Get Your Emails Opened

Email marketing can be used to build and maintain a strong relationship with your customers. And a great subject line can make or break your email marketing strategy. So let’s take a look at the key ingredients that make an irresistible subject line.


Email subject line terms

Before we dive into the practical stuff, here are some useful terms to help you understand the concept of emails and email subject lines a little better.

  1. Email subject line.
    The line of text that briefly explains the email topic in the recipient’s inbox. Humour, wordplay and offers are often used to inspire people to open and read on.
  2. Email body.
    The main part of the email containing your message content.
  3. Email marketing.
    The method of sending a message to customers via email. There’s nothing to say that an email sent to one individual can’t be considered email marketing as much as an email to a group of people would be.
  4. Targeted email.
    An email that has been written and designed for a specific type of customer in mind.
  5. E-blast.
    An email sent out to many recipients. E-blasts are often considered spam when they don’t use any kind of targeting.
  6. Open rate.
    The percentage of delivered emails that get opened by recipients.
  7. Bounce rate.
    The percentage of recipients that don’t receive your email, often because their email is no longer in use.
  8. Mailing list.
    A list of email addresses, usually accompanied with the recipient’s name and other personal information, used by businesses to send emails to multiple recipients.
  9. Opt-in.
    Where an individual actively chooses to be added to an email list.

Why are email subject lines so important?

According to marketing specialists, the average open rate for opted-in emails is 25.44% in the UK. That might not sound like a lot, but when you consider that people receive an average of 42 emails every day, it’s no wonder. Customers are bombarded with messages — yours has to be worth their time. A good subject line cuts through the noise of hundreds, sometimes thousands of emails to get your audience’s attention. A great subject line gets them curious, convincing them to open that email and see what’s inside.

Imagine going to an industry networking event. One of the things you spend time preparing is your personal introduction — you know you have to make an impression fast, and email subject lines are similar.

Tips for writing great subject lines

Something you’ll begin to learn as a business owner wearing a marketer’s hat, is that marketing is as much about testing as it is laying down a strategy or having great ideas. The tips below are just a handful of ways to improve the way you write email subject lines, but your customers are unique — the more you experiment and test, the closer you’ll get to finding the sweet spot.

How do I measure success?

Measuring success always starts with understanding exactly what “success” is, which loops in with your overall business strategy. Open rate is the standard metric used when testing email subject lines, but you can also measure the click-through rate (how many people click on a link in the email body), conversion rate (how many people click-through from an email to then spend money with you) and even unsubscribe rate (how many people are leaving your mailing list).

There are many email marketing platforms that will help you send, track and measure the performance of your emails, including:

This article is intended to offer helpful guidance and does not constitute qualified legal advice. Please consult an independent legal advisor, if you have any marketing questions pertaining to your particular business.

The square Editorial Team is dedicated to telling stories of business, for business owners. Our team comes from a variety of backgrounds and share a passion for providing information that helps businesses to start, run, and grow. The team is based in San Francisco, but has collaborators all over the country.


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