How to Create an Evolving Brand Identity

How to Create an Evolving Brand Identity
Customers are searching for brands that are aligned with their values, that are transparent and offer a highly personalised experience. Read on to learn how to create an evolving brand identity.
by Emily Toone May 15, 2022 — 2 min read
How to Create an Evolving Brand Identity

These days, brands are being challenged to not only create a memorable identity, but for that identity to be able to flex and evolve as their community and business does. Customers are searching for brands that are aligned with their values, are transparent and offer a personalised customer experience. We caught up with Sean and Dos, co-founders of Adelaide’s Coffee In Common to find out how they have created a brand which is an extension of their personalities. How it flexes and evolves in their cafe, and across product lines. Read the full chat below.

Want to learn more about Coffee In Common and how Dos and Sean have approached working in a business partnership? Full interview here.

SQ: Dos, you have a background in branding, how have you applied this to your approach to Coffee In Common’s identity?

D: From the get go I wanted to establish a strong online presence as our foundation, I kicked this off with the design of our website. Being in control of our brand identity from this start definitely made planning easier, and the transferable skills and flexibility that came from my design background wove its way into our business plan. From rotating labels, stickers and limited edition tees. Having an image and brand that evolves with our product keeps me on my toes constantly. It’s great to be behind the bar making coffee and watching how people respond to the brand in person.


SQ: What’s the reaction when customers see the packaging of your beans?

D: I want our beans to be approachable and for people to have a bit of fun with them. I want our customers to pick their beans judging by their cover and then be delighted by the quality, haha! I have a lot of fun making the labels, they are often created quickly depending on what inspiration I have that day. This is a choice I made hoping that a laid back spin on the labels makes choosing a bag of coffee a bit easier in the sea of options out there.


SQ: Tips for food and beverage business branding?

D: Have fun with it! Share your ideas, ask for contributions from people you work with, or your regulars. A big part of the hospitality industry is the dedicated community. I know that we wouldn’t be here today without our regulars (and not so regulars). I love it when people feel like they’re a part of your business, (because they are) and make ongoing contributions. This is how some of our best ideas have come about!


SQ: Where do businesses often fall short in their branding?

D: I’d say there’s not a lot of importance placed on branding, or a misunderstanding around what your brand is, it’s way more than a logo! I’d encourage business owners to treat the creation and maintenance of their brand equally to crunching the numbers and having a strong business plan! Your brand is so intertwined with your business plan because it’s often an extension of yourself and your business. It helps create a unique voice that goes beyond just the logo and encompasses everything within your business. This clarity, (once reached) can help provide a focus that’s so important in making decisions both big and small in the everyday runnings of your business!

Emily Toone
Emily Toone is a Content Manager at Square where she covers everything from how businesses can start, run, and grow, to how enterprise companies can use tools and data to become industry leaders.


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