Mondays Bookkeeping x Square

We collaborated with Square Seller Mondays Bookkeeping to check in with your business and dive deeper into topics including key yearly financial dates, the benefits of outsourcing, EOFY tips and the common challenges business owners face. Each series provides...


It's well and truly silly season and the new year is right around the corner. We collaborated with Square Seller Monday's Bookkeeping to check in on key dates you need to know and her top tips when planning for the new year.


Behind The Books With Mondays Bookkeeping

Behind The Books With Mondays Bookkeeping

Patrice never intended to become a bookkeeper. But her eagerness to learn led her to manage the finances at the cafe she was working at - she has never looked back.
How to Create and Maintain New Business Revenue Streams With Mondays Bookkeeping

How to Create and Maintain New Business Revenue Streams With Mondays Bookkeeping

We recently spoke to Patrice Flynn, owner of Mondays Bookkeeping about how businesses in her network are diversifying revenue streams and explored her top tips on expanding and maintaining each stream.
September Check-In: Preparation Tips For Peak Season With Mondays Bookkeeping

September Check-In: Preparation Tips For Peak Season With Mondays Bookkeeping

Whether you feel like the year has flown by, or you’re looking ahead to the new year. September is a crucial time to set up for success and ensure that the last quarter of the year is successful for your business.
June Check-In: How To Get Ahead For EOFY With Mondays Bookkeeping

June Check-In: How To Get Ahead For EOFY With Mondays Bookkeeping

With the end of financial year (EOFY) fast approaching we recently caught up with Patrice from Mondays Bookkeeping to chat about business sentiment around EOFY and her top tips to help you get ahead.
An Honest Conversation About Small Business: Meet Lauren From Ochre Ceramics

An Honest Conversation About Small Business: Meet Lauren From Ochre Ceramics

We spoke to Lauren from Ochre Ceramics about all things business, highs and lows and reflecting on the last five years. An honest conversation between business owners.
How Outsourcing Can Be a Game Changer For Your Business

How Outsourcing Can Be a Game Changer For Your Business

Discover the benefits of outsourcing for your small business and get valuable insights from Square Seller Patrice Flynn of Monday's Bookkeeping.


Emily Toone

Emily Toone

Content Manager, AU

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