5 Tips for E-Commerce Businesses, from Square’s SEO Expert

5 Tips for E-Commerce Businesses, from Square’s SEO Expert
How to use SEO to drive traffic to your e-commerce business and make its a success.
by square Aug 17, 2017 — 3 min read
5 Tips for E-Commerce Businesses, from Square’s SEO Expert

So you’ve launched your website. Now you need to get potential customers to your online store. Enter SEO (search engine optimisation).

It’s important to invest time and resources in SEO. But be aware, SEO isn’t necessarily something you can implement overnight. Results aren’t immediate. To make things more difficult, SEO is a constantly changing practice.

We know you’re busy, and you don’t have time to catch up on everything. So Chris Yee, Square’s SEO lead, shared his top tips for using SEO to move the needle for your e-commerce business.

Standardise all foundational elements

SEO for e-commerce is all about growth and scalability. Automating a few things allows you to grow exponentially while managing your site. Try standardising the following:



Keep up with keywords

Every successful e-commerce SEO strategy starts with keyword research. Insights derived from your keyword research (or semantic research or even search intent analysis) should be your north star, dictating everything that goes on with your site.

With insights, prospective customers are essentially telling you what they want, their pain points, what they want to purchase, how they want it, and more. Insights can drive the category pages you create, the customer language you use, what technical specs you include in your product pages, what facets to include (or exclude) and how to structure your site navigation.

Chris breaks keyword research and insights into four primary steps:

  1. Gather: Collect as many relevant keywords as possible that pertain to your business. Don’t forget to check Google Search Console, your own web analytics data and onsite search.
  2. Categorise: Corral your list of keywords into topical themes. For example, mentions of “blue, black, green, yellow, red etc.” could fall in a colour theme and keywords mentioning “discount, cheap etc.” may fall under a value-for-money theme.
  3. Insights: Once you categorise your keyword list, you can determine specific topical themes and quantify their relative importance. Should you focus on colour? The data will tell you how to prioritise your e-commerce website.
  4. Action: Data is useless if you don’t act on your insights. For instance, if you grouped keywords by brand, that means you may need a page to target those terms along with the appropriate sub categories (assuming it’s relevant to your business and you have the inventory).

Product pages are where customers decide if they want to check out or not. Make use of that real estate by incorporating the appropriate content to help your customers make that decision. This content not only helps with conversions but also taps into the long tail of search where you’re addressing hyper-specific search intent (for example, “blue jeans with holes and dolphins on them”).

Case in point: Amazon ranks well for millions of products because it started out with descriptive content on the page but began incorporating technical specs, FAQs and customer reviews.

Don’t fret about your search ranking

Focus instead on qualified traffic from organic search. There are too many factors to account for nowadays (location, device type, browser type, browser history, which data centre you’re hitting) to get a “true” SEO ranking.

Rankings should be used as a measure of opportunity and how you stack up against your competitors. Track keyword rankings for overall site diagnostics and to understand visibility trends, but don’t worry about them. After all, you can’t take keyword rankings to the bank.

Instead, focus on your customers and work on improving their site experience. You can have a site fully optimised for SEO, with blindingly fast page speed, but if your site doesn’t function well, then everything you do will fall flat. As Chris says, “You can’t put lipstick on a pig.”

Change up your toolkit

There are many SEO tools out there, but they’ll never be a substitute for you and your ability to get into the mind of the customer with insights. SEO trends and tactics are constantly evolving, and what worked last year may not be as effective today.

To stay up to date, Chris checks Search Engine Land and follows SEO experts on Twitter to see what they’re sharing about industry news. Here are a few he recommends:


Most of all, don’t forget that you need to continue to test and iterate on what you know about your users. Because at the end of the day, what’s good for the user is good for search engines.

The square Editorial Team is dedicated to telling stories of business, for business owners. Our team comes from a variety of backgrounds and share a passion for providing information that helps businesses to start, run, and grow. The team is based in San Francisco, but has collaborators all over the country.


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