Ercan Yuzey: This is my passion. This is my only way to survive. Look after to my family.
Ruby Winter: We realized that this was going to be one of our only opportunities.
Jake Johari: It was like we might as well risk it and try and achieve everything that we've always wanted to.
Ercan Yuzey: I love this tree. My restaurant is traditional old-fashioned Turkish restaurant. We do dance after nine o'clock. People finish the dinner, we start the Turkish dancing. People love that. When they see the customers happy, I am happy.
Ruby Winter: The Street Easy is uniquely us and you won't find anything like it because we haven't opened anything else. The world hasn't stopped throwing curve balls at us. I think preparation for financial hardships is something that you do learn as you go.
Jake Johari: The loan we got from Square took a massive weight off of our back and being able to access it within 24 hours was just a massive help.
Ercan Yuzey: I try my bank and it refused us. We speak to Square and that did help us.
Ruby Winter: We didn't have to fill out lots of forms and send over lots of bank statements. We can pay it off quicker. The busier we are, it might take a bit longer. The slower we are, we watch the number keep going down and it doesn't add any stress. Next in line, we'll be building our downstairs cocktail bar. It'll be the speakeasy part of The Street Easy.
Ercan Yuzey: I'm opening a new restaurant. Fish mongers. Fish and chips. Just a hundred yards just there. My dream come true. I opened my amazing restaurant. I'm so lucky to be doing this. Very, very lucky.