Now more than ever, it’s critical to develop a POS solution that adapts to new ways of running a business. Whether you’re developing a custom-built kiosk for ordering and checkout, or a medical practice management system to synchronise patient data, you need a payments integration that’s secure, reliable, and can accommodate the safety of sellers and buyers.
Today, we’re releasing Square Terminal API in beta. This API allows developers to connect Square Terminal, an all-in-one card payments device, to their custom-built POS systems, no matter which platforms or operating systems they’re developed on. That’s right — this API is not only designed for iOS and Android developers, but web and desktop developers can build with it too.
With the integration, sellers can use the Square Terminal device to accept every type of payment quickly and securely, including contactless payments with Apple Pay, Google Pay, and other NFC payment methods . Plus, with a cordless design and Wi-Fi connectivity, Terminal devices can be placed away from the POS system to maintain a safe distance between employees and customers.
Terminal is easy to purchase from Square or at select retail stores and offers benefits like next-day deposits, access to 24/7 phone support, and a team of specialists that fight payment disputes on sellers’ behalf.
How Terminal API works
To integrate your POS system with Square Terminal, first call the Devices API to generate a Device Code and display it to your user. Once your user logs into Square Terminal using the code, the device will be ready to receive a checkout request from your system.
Simply call Create Terminal Checkout with a payment amount, and the device will prompt the buyer for payment. After the payment succeeds, we will notify you via webhooks so you can close the sale on your end.
Accessing Beta
Terminal API is available in beta to all developers in the UK, Canada, US, and Australia. As we move towards general availability, we encourage developers to share their feedback on the current feature set by posting in our developer community or Square Developer Forums. Check out the documentation to learn how to get started and access API reference docs.