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Private customer feedback you can work with.

Open communication

With Square Feedback, you can have direct communication with customers to resolve any issues privately/not in public channels, right through your receipt.

Collect feedback

Square’s customer feedback system allows people to leave feedback directly through their digital receipt and lets you see how you’re doing in real time.

Respond intelligently

Feedback is connected to your transaction records, which can help inform how you respond.

Track progress

See customer feedback right from your Square Dashboard or in the Point of Sale app to better understand what’s working and what could be better.


Open a new, private line of communication.

Customers who opt for digital receipts can provide feedback and start a private conversation with your business. Know how people feel about your business without having to read their comments online.

Customer feedback welcome
Digital receipts make it easy for customers to leave private feedback any time. Use it to view employee performance across store locations or simply to enhance your own services.

A free, built-in support centre for your business.

Our customer feedback system helps keep your customers happy and returning. You can view customer feedback and give timely responses right in your dashboard or Square Point of Sale.

Turn unhappy customers into loyal patrons
Use Feedback to refund customers or send coupons to those who have had negative experiences. Resolve issues immediately and privately before they reach a public forum—so you can improve customer loyalty as well as your bottom line.

Send more informed responses.

With rich customer insights, you can see how often customers come in and how much they spend on average, so you can respond to their feedback more appropriately.

Keep your finger on the pulse—from anywhere.

Sign in to your dashboard or Point of Sale to manage customer feedback and see how things are going at your business, no matter where you are.

See what’s working
Filter feedback by date and category to track the success of menu changes, staff hirings and more. Seeing where you’ve improved over time can help you pinpoint your best decisions.


Customers can now connect with Square businesses after every transaction.

‘Receiving customer feedback through our email receipts has been great. It gives us the
opportunity to see what our customers really have to say, which is a positive for our business.’




With Square account