Square Introduces Square Card for Businesses,
Giving Sellers Real-Time Access to Funds

For a small business owner, cash flow is the lifeblood of your business. Unfortunately, cash flow worries affect a vast majority of Canadian business owners.

To help you sleep a little more soundly, we’re launching Square Card.

Get Started With Square Card.

With Square Card you can instantly access your money and take more control over your cash flow.

Square Card is designed to help you more effectively manage your business’s cash flow by providing immediate access to your Square balance, which is funded by the sales you process each day through Square.

By eliminating the time between making a sale and having funds available, you can quickly put your money to work. As your business grows, this kind of speed is essential, as you often need to put money to use right away. With Square Card, you can do it for free.

Square Card can serve as a single card for all your business expenses, allowing you to:

  • Use Square Card anywhere Mastercard® is accepted to make crucial purchases for your business, with funds available immediately after you’ve made a sale.
  • See a complete snapshot of your Square balance, spending, and other activity in your Square Dashboard and Square Point of Sale.
  • Access reporting features that separate business and personal expenses to improve cash flow management.
  • Export Square Card activity from Square Dashboard in easily downloadable formats to incorporate your sales and expense activity into your accounting software and track business expenses.
  • Withdraw funds for cash purchases or expenses using Square Card at ATMs.

Not all tools available to small sellers offer everything you can get with Square and the new Square Card.

Customize Your New Square Card

Growing your brand is also an important part of growing your business. You can customize your Square Card with a laser-etched signature and business name to reflect the personality and brand of your business. Graphic designer? Show off your skills every time you make a purchase. Just enjoy an outlet for your creativity? Design a card that says “you” every time you use it.

All new and existing Square sellers now have access to the new Square Card. In addition to Square Card, you’ll still have the option to transfer funds into a linked bank account at any time. Ready to get your Square Card?