Solucionar problemas de la aplicación de Square Kiosk
Este artículo de solución de problemas es para vendedores de Square que utilizan la aplicación Square Kiosk en el hardware de Square Kiosk o Square Stand (2.ª generación) como una estación de pedidos de autoservicio para sus clientes.
Este artículo te ayuda a solucionar los problemas más comunes al comenzar a usar la aplicación de Square Kiosk o al usarla con tu hardware.
Antes de comenzar
Este artículo es para solucionar problemas de activación de aplicaciones de Square Kiosk, problemas de carga, sincronización de elementos y problemas de conexión de impresoras.
Consulta nuestra página de Soluciona errores de pago con Square Kiosk y Soluciona problemas de conexión y de alimentación con Square Kiosk para obtener más información sobre la solución de problemas si no ves el problema específico a continuación.
Para solucionar estos problemas, necesitarás tener acceso al hardware Square Kiosk, al dispositivo Punto de Venta complementario y al Panel de Datos Square.
Si no puedes resolver tu problema con nuestra guía de solución de problemas a continuación, comunícate con nuestro equipo de Atención al Cliente. Obtén más información sobre cómo accede a Atención al Cliente en Square.
Cuándo solucionar los problemas
La solución de problemas de la aplicación Square Kiosk implica pasos que incluyen actualizar las aplicaciones de Square, cerrar y volver a iniciar sesión en tu cuenta Square y reiniciar tu hardware Square. Si es posible, intenta solucionar los problemas de tu aplicación Square Kiosk fuera del horario comercial. Si debes solucionar los problemas durante la jornada laboral, trata de evitar las horas pico de trabajo para que tus clientes tengan pocos retrasos.
Solucionar problemas de configuración de Square Kiosk
Soluciona los problemas comunes que puedes experimentar al configurar la aplicación de Square Kiosk por primera vez.
Si saliste del flujo de incorporación de Square Kiosk durante el proceso de configuración, inicia sesión en el Panel de Datos Square y ve a Administración de dispositivos > Square Kiosk para volver a la Square Kiosk onboarding guide. Consulta nuestra Configura la aplicación de Square Kiosk para obtener más información sobre cómo registrarte en la aplicación Square Kiosk.
If you encounter a request to update your Point of Sale apps during the Kiosk setup process on Dashboard, follow the steps below to resolve.
All Square Point of Sale apps must be updated to their latest version. This includes Square Point of Sale, Square Restaurants, Square Retail, etc.
Update the Square apps from the App Store:
- Open the App Store.
- Scroll down to see pending updates.
- Tap Update All to update all apps on your device, or locate your Square apps individually and tap Update.
Once you have updated your Square apps be sure to sign out and sign back into the apps.
The Square apps on Square Terminal and Square Registered are automatically updated during the device’s software update.
You can update software on Square Terminal or Square Register by following these steps:
- Tap ≡ More > Settings > Hardware > General.
- Tap About Square Terminal or About Square Register.
- Tap Check for Update to see if a software update is available.
- If it is available, tap Install Now.
Once you have updated your Square Terminal and Square Register be sure to sign back into the device.
If the request to update your Square apps and Square devices in your Dashboard does not list the specific apps and devices that need to be updated, follow these steps:
- Click view all points of sale in the corner of the update request or navigate to Device Management > Devices.
- Select a device from the list and check the software version under Applications used.
- If the version is 6.46 or higher, then it is updated. If not, perform the necessary updates.
- When all updates are complete, navigate back to Device Management > Kiosk and click Done updating devices in the update request window.
If the request to update your Square apps and Square hardware is still present, please contact Square support and we will help get you back to business.
To set up Square Kiosk, you’ll need to update to the latest Categories experience. In this update, Square Online site categories will sync with Point of Sale. This will allow you to easily manage in-person and online sales categories from one place.
Note: This update is only required for those who have a Square Online site and have not already been auto-enrolled in the Advanced Categories update. If you do not see this step during your Kiosk set-up, then it is not required.
To update to Advanced Categories:
- Click Update now in the window that appears during the Kiosk set up on Dashboard.
- In the next window, click Move Site Categories.
- Updating and transferring your online categories may take several minutes to complete. If the loading page does not automatically refresh after 30 minutes, you can manually refresh your internet browser.
- Once your categories have been updated successfully, you will be taken to the next step in setting up your Kiosk menu.
Solucionar problemas con lentitud de respuesta en la aplicación
El menú, la apariencia y la configuración de tu quiosco se administran en el Panel de Datos Square y se sincronizan con la aplicación de Square Kiosk. Sigue los pasos a continuación si notas tiempos de carga más largos de lo normal, si la aplicación tarda en responder o hay problemas de sincronización.
If your kiosk menu has over 100 items, your customers may get overwhelmed and experience difficulty in scrolling through a long list of items. For best performance, we recommend that your kiosk menu doesn’t exceed 100 items. If it does, you may experience a slower performance with the self-serve Square Kiosk app.
To solve this issue, follow the steps outlined in our Square Kiosk menu items and categories guide to reduce the number of items that appear on your menu.
Note: It can take up to 10 minutes for item edits to update across all of your devices.
If you notice the changes you’ve made on your Square Dashboard have not synced to your Square Kiosk app within 10 minutes, follow these steps:
- Refresh the Kiosk app by clicking Start new order or by closing the app and reopening.
- Check the connection of the hardware running the Square Kiosk app. On the Square Kiosk app, press and hold two fingers on the screen to open the Settings menu. Tap Hardware > Test connectivity. If needed, troubleshoot your network connection.
- Restart your hardware. On the Square Kiosk app, press and hold two fingers on the screen to open the Settings menu. Tap Hardware > Connect and manage > Restart.
- Force quit the Kiosk app. You may need to first disable Guided Access.
- Open the Kiosk app and sign in again.
- On your Square dashboard, make a change on your Kiosk menu and wait up to 10 minutes for the update to appear on the kiosk.
If you have completed all steps above and are still experiencing issues in syncing your kiosk menu, please contact Square support and we will help get you back to business.
Solucionar problemas para artículos faltantes o duplicados
Los elementos del menú de tu quiosco se administran en el Panel de Datos Square y se sincronizan con la aplicación de Square Kiosk. Sigue los pasos a continuación si faltan artículos o hay artículos duplicados en el menú de tu quiosco.
If you are missing an item that was added to your kiosk menu, follow these steps:
- Make sure you wait up to 10 minutes for the changes to sync from your Square Dashboard to your Square Kiosk app. After 10 minutes, refresh the Kiosk app by tapping Start new order or by closing the app and reopening.
- Ensure the item is assigned to a category and that category is enabled on your kiosk menu. Edit Category > Channel visibility > Kiosk: ON > Save.
- Ensure the missing item has the proper settings enabled to appear on the kiosk menu. On the Edit Item page, check the following:
a. Under the Where it’s sold section, toggle Kiosk ON.
b. Under Site visibility section, select Visible.
c. Scroll to Fulfillment and select Online fulfillment methods > Edit > Self-serve ordering > Done.
If you have duplicate copies of items appearing on your kiosk menu, follow these steps on your Square Dashboard:
- Check for duplicate item entries: In your Item Library use the search bar to locate the duplicate item. If more than one entry appears, delete the copy of the item.
- Check the item’s assigned categories: Select the duplicate item to open the Edit Item screen. Ensure there is only one category under Categorization. If an item is assigned to more than one category, it will appear multiple times on your Kiosk menu.
Solucionar problemas de impresión de Square Kiosk
Cuando Square Kiosk se utiliza como una estación de pedidos de autoservicio, enviará solicitudes de impresión al dispositivo de punto de venta complementario que está conectado a tu(s) impresora(s). Si tienes dificultades para imprimir pedidos desde Square Kiosk, sigue estos pasos.
Printer settings for your Square Kiosk are located on your companion Point of Sale device. This device is the main POS device that is connected to your printers via USB, Bluetooth, Ethernet, or Wi-Fi.
If an order is placed on your Square Kiosk and an order ticket doesn’t print, follow these troubleshooting steps:
- Check to make sure that Online & Kiosk Order Tickets is enabled for the printer.
- On your Square Dashboard, go to Printer profiles > select the connected profile > Edit > Online & kiosk order tickets > toggle ON.
- On your companion POS, open your Square app and navigate to More > Settings > Hardware > Printers > Profile > Edit > Online & kiosk order tickets > toggle ON.
- If you are printing by category, ensure that the categories enabled for Square Kiosk are selected in the printer profile as well. Select Edit printer profile > Categories to Print > check all that apply and tap Save.
- Place a test order on your Square Kiosk to test the printer settings.