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Vender artículos ocultos con Ventas en línea Square

If you’re selling exclusive or hidden merchandise, or want to offer special deals only to certain customers, you can use password protection to effectively hide your products on Square Online.

Change Item Visibility to Hidden

To sell hidden items on Square Online, the first step is to make sure the visibility for these items is set to hidden. Hidden items are available for purchase but only for customers who have the link to the item page. These items won’t show up on your ordering page, but you can add them to the sección de artículos destacados on a hidden page, and share that link only with certain customers.

You can quickly change the visibility for multiple products in your Vista general de Ventas en línea Square by going to Items > Site Items and using the método de edición en grupo.


Create a Password Protected Page

The second step is to set up a page using protección con contraseña. Open your website in the Editor del sitio de Ventas en línea Square and select the +Add button to agregar una nueva página en blanco. If you don’t want customers to see the link this page, be sure to uncheck the Add a link to navigation box. This will keep the page from showing in your navigation menu. Click the Add button to save, then open the Page settings via the gear icon near the page name in the menu.


If you haven’t already set up a site password, use the link here to do so. Select the dropdown menu to change the page visibility to Password protected, then select Save to apply the changes.


Add a Featured Items Section


Now that you’ve hidden your items and set up a password protected page, all that’s left is to display those items on the page. Use the Add section button to select Featured items, then select the Add button to place it on the page. Select Choose items to connect your hidden items. When you’re finished, Publish your website to make the changes live. Share the page link and password with customers so they can view and purchase the hidden items.

Learn more about the sección de artículos destacados in Square Online.