Sell hidden and exclusive items with Square Online
About selling hidden and exclusive items
One way to build a relationship with buyers is by offering specific sets of customers certain items on your Square Online site that aren’t available to anyone else. This can help make certain items feel special and exclusive, and can also help build rapport with customers.
Before you begin
You can change item visibility to hidden from your Square Dashboard.
When an item is set to Hidden, it means it is available for purchase online but won’t display on your ordering page. You can still add the item to featured item sections (useful for events and donations), or give buyers a direct link to the item (useful for exclusive items).
Step 1: Change item site visibility to hidden
Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Items & services (or Items & menus or Items & inventory) > Items > Item library.
Select an existing item or create a new one.
Under ‘Where it’s sold’, choose Hidden from the Site visibility drop-down menu.
Click Save when finished.
The hidden item is now available for purchase, but only to customers who either have the direct link to the item page, have access to the featured items section where the hidden item is displayed or to those who have access to password protected areas of your site.
Step 2: Sell your hidden item
To sell hidden items, you can simply share a direct link to your item page with customers in marketing campaigns or anywhere else you see fit. If you don’t want customers to see a link to this page anywhere on your site, be sure to not include the item link in your navigation menu (or anywhere else such as linked text, buttons or images). This can help create a sense of exclusivity for the item.
To get the direct link to your item:
- sign in to your Square Dashboard and go to Online.
- click Website > Edit site.
- open your item page.
- select the gear icon in the editing panel to View page settings.
- on the General tab, copy the page URL. The entire URL includes the text before, in and after the text box. The text box portion is your customisable permalink.
Learn how to Create pages and navigation for your Square Online site for details on hiding a page from your navigation menu.
To make your hidden item feel more exclusive, you can add your item to a featured items section and then put the page the section is on behind a password. Learn how to Password protect your Square Online site for details.