
Set up delivery options for Square Online

Who is this article for?
  • Account owners or team members with the orders permission to manage orders.
  • Set permissions in Square Dashboard.
  • Square Online subscribers.
  • About delivery for Square Online orders

    With Square Online, you can sell prepared food and beverage items online, and offer nearby customers a way to have their orders delivered―either by your own delivery staff, or by a courier from a reliable local delivery service provider like DoorDash.

    Before you begin

    Option 1: Set up in-house delivery

    1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and click Settings > Account & Settings > Fulfillment > Pickup & Delivery.

    2. Click Set up location by the location you want to enable delivery for.

    3. Indicate that you want to offer delivery by selecting Yes.

    4. Choose the My own couriers option.

    5. Decide if you’ll calculate and assign delivery times automatically. By selecting No, you can manually share the delivery details with your customer so you can manage order scheduling in a way that works best for your business. By selecting Yes, we’ll calculate the delivery times automatically to enable customers to choose a delivery date and time based on your business hours, prep time, and estimated delivery time.

    6. Select Continue to check which sites your location should be available on.

    7. Select Continue to review your settings so far, then select Edit to set up additional settings.

    8. Set up delivery-related settings, including a delivery region (either by postal code or radius), estimated delivery time (added to the prep time), delivery and service fees, minimum order amount, and no-contact delivery (won't be applicable to orders containing alcoholic items).

    9. Choose if you want your orders delivered at specific times or any time during your delivery hours.

    10. Toggle the ability to mark orders as Ready before marking as Complete, and choose when you want your order tickets to print.

    11. Set the hours and days of the week customers can have their orders delivered.

    12. Adjust any remaining Location details and Site visibility settings.

    13. Select Save when finished.

    Option 2: Set up on-demand delivery

    1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and click Settings > Account & Settings > Fulfillment > Pickup & Delivery.

    2. Click Set up location by the location you want to enable delivery for.

    3. Indicate that you want to offer delivery by selecting Yes.

    4. Choose the On-demand delivery option.

    5. Confirm or change your default service provider, and indicate how you prepare orders for delivery.

    6. Select Continue to check which sites your location should be available on.

    7. Select Continue to review your settings so far, then select Edit to set up additional settings.

    8. Set up delivery related settings, including delivery and service fees, minimum order amount, and no-contact delivery (won't be applicable to orders containing alcoholic items).

    9. Choose if you want your orders delivered at specific times or any time during your delivery hours.

    10. Toggle the ability to mark orders as Ready before marking as Complete, and select when you want your order tickets to print.

    11. Set the hours and days of the week customers can have their orders delivered.

    12. Adjust any remaining Location details and Site visibility settings.

    13. Select Save when finished.

    Adjust advanced settings (optional)

    After your main setup is complete, you can also configure other advanced settings that will apply to every location you've enabled for delivery.

    1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and click Settings > Account & Settings > Fulfillment > Pickup & Delivery

    2. Click Advanced settings.

    3. Toggle on Set a quantity limit for pickup and delivery orders. Enter a quantity limit to prevent unexpected large delivery orders, and include an optional custom message explaining how to place orders that are over the quantity limit.

    4. Toggle on Allow customers to reply HERE via text to announce they've arrived so customers can text instead of call. Texts will go to your POS app.

    5. Click Save.

    Stop accepting delivery orders

    1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and click Settings > Account & Settings > Fulfillment > Pickup & Delivery.

    2. Toggle off Delivery by your chosen location.

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