
Manage Your Square Payroll Subscription

You can pause or close your Square Payroll account at any time, but it’s important to note: closing your Square Payroll account is irreversible. Once your Square Payroll account is closed, you will not be able to pay employees or contractors with this account again.

Pause Your Square Payroll Account

If you are temporarily closing your business and plan to pay employees again in the future, you can pause your Square Payroll account by following these steps:

  1. Go to Staff > Payroll > Settings > Payroll Settings in your online Square Payroll dashboard.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Pause Payroll Account.

  3. Confirm the change by clicking Pause Account.

Square Payroll bills on the first of the month for the previous month’s payroll fees. For example, if you pause your account during January, your final bill will be applied on February 1 for the prior month's fees. Moving forward, you will not be charged any subscription fees when your Square Payroll account is paused.

You can keep your account paused for up to 9 months. After 9 months, your subscription billing will automatically resume, but you can pause your account again, if needed. Square Payroll will continue to file taxes on your behalf while your account is paused. Employees should not be paid outside of Square Payroll during this time.

Note: If you have Automatic Payroll enabled on your account, payroll will not process automatically while your account is paused. When your account is resumed, Automatic Payroll will automatically resume on the next pay period.

To learn more about pausing subscriptions, visit our Pause Subscription FAQ.

Close Your Square Payroll Account

To close your Square Payroll account:

  1. Go to Staff > Payroll > Settings > Payroll Settings in your online Square Payroll dashboard.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Close Payroll Account.

  3. Fill out the necessary information and click Confirm Close.

Be sure to provide us with accurate information so we can ensure your tax filings and payments are correctly accounted for as we terminate your relationship with Square Payroll.

If you decide to use Square Payroll again in the future, you must do so using a new Square account. This process may restrict your ability to use features like timecard imports, tip splitting, and Business Banking if those are associated with your current Square account. If you think you may return to Square Payroll, we suggest pausing your account instead of closing.

Return to Square Payroll

If you previously closed a Square Payroll account and wish to return, you’ll need to open a new Square Payroll account. You can then sign up for Square Payroll under the new account with a different email address.

If you’re also using Square to process payments and wish to transition your existing account information to the new Square account, contact our team.