
Disable Your Square Appointments Online Booking Site

Disabling online booking means customers won’t be able to view your booking site — it’s best to remove any embedded booking buttons from your website before taking this action.

Disable Your Online Booking Site Online

You can disable your online booking site with just a couple of clicks from your online Square Dashboard.

To get started:

  1. Head to your Appointments dashboard > Online Booking.

  2. Click Visibility and Display.

  3. Select Disable Online Booking Site > Disable.

The page will update with a message verifying your site is disabled.

Disable Your Online Booking Site From the App

You can also disable your online booking site from the Appointments app.

To do so:

  1. From the navigation bar > tap Online Booking.

  2. Toggle off Enable Booking Site.

Disable Your Online Booking Site on Square Register

To disable your online booking site when using Square Appointments on Square Register:

  1. Navigate to Online Booking.

  2. Select Square Booking Site.

  3. Toggle off Enable Booking Site.

Re-activate Online Booking Site

If you decide you would like to make your online booking site live, you can update at any time:

  1. Head to your Appointments dashboard > Online Booking.

  2. Click Visibility and Display.

  3. Select Reactivate Now.

You can verify your booking site is active by clicking Booking Site > View Site.

Read more about using Appointments online booking.