
Edit business location information with Square for Restaurants

Who is this article for?
This article is for business owners needing to update business location information with their Square Restaurants POS app.

Before you begin

From your Square for Restaurants account settings, you can update the logged-in location’s business information or sign out of Square for Restaurants on your device. 

You can access your Square for Restaurants account settings from your Square Restaurants POS app.

Sign out of Square for Restaurants

  1. Open your Restaurants POS app on the device to which you want to connect and tap Account > Settings > Account

  2. Under Login, tap Sign Out.

Update business information

From your Square for Restaurants point of sale, you can update your location name, location description, mobile preferences, business address, business contact information and your location’s  social media account. Any changes you make in your Restaurants POS update in your Square Dashboard for that location.

To update your business location information:

  1. Open your Restaurants POS app on the device to which you want to connect and tap Account > Settings > Account.

  2. Make any changes and tap the back arrow to save.

Next steps

Learn more about Square for Restaurants account and settings from one of these Support Centre articles:

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