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Get started with Square KDS and Square for Retail

With Square KDS, you can connect to your Square Retail POS to allow you to access the retail-specific features you need to run your business while also getting you what you need to run your kitchen. This set-up can be used by retail businesses that also sell made-to-order food, such as grocery shops with delis or bookshops with coffee shops.

Sign up for Square KDS

Before you can start creating and fulfilling orders with Square KDS, you’ll first need to sign up for the Square KDS subscription. From the Square KDS homepage, tap Get started. You’ll have the option to sign up for a 30-day free trial before your subscription starts. 

Set up Square KDS and hardware

Recommended Square KDS devices

Square KDS is compatible with the Android devices listed below. The devices and mounting hardware are available on Square Shop:

Important: If you are currently using Square KDS on iPads, you will need to migrate your hardware and software in order to continue your team’s access to your kitchen display system. Learn more about this product change and how to prepare for it in our Seller Community.

If you choose to use an Android device not listed above, we cannot guarantee the quality of how Square KDS will appear on your device, and we will prioritise any bug support for the devices listed above. However, we understand that some people may prefer to use a device they already have or have a personal preference for something other than what’s on Square’s officially recommended list. In that case, to minimise the risk of a subpar experience, it’s important that the device you choose meets the minimum specifications:

  • 8”+ screen
  • 2 GB RAM
  • Android OS 9+

If you prefer a different Android device not listed above, share your feedback in our Android KDS Feedback Survey.

Reminder: Keep the OS updated on your Android device.

Recommended device mounts

You can mount your Android device on a wall with a compatible VESA mount. You can mount your device on a wall, but avoid areas close to flames, greasy foods, or splashing water.

You may want to purchase a device holder, such as these Lenovo cases or Galaxy Tab cases.

Disclaimer: Block, Inc. is not affiliated with any of the manufacturers and third-party resellers linked above. This is a suggestion for your convenience.

Recommended printers

Square is compatible with a wide variety of third-party hardware accessories. Depending on the device that you’re using, you’ll have different printer options such as USB, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and printer-driven. Learn more about Square hardware compatibility by device.

Saved carts 

With Square for Retail, saved carts function as open tickets. Saving a cart with kitchen-eligible items will create a Square KDS ticket. Adding new items and re-saving or charging the cart will also send those updates to the kitchen. 

If you have KDS enabled, some Square Retail POS cart functionality will be either disabled or different.

  • Once a saved cart is sent to the KDS, order preparation details cannot be edited. The relevant fields will be locked in item details.

  • To change an order after it has been saved and sent to KDS, the whole item must be voided and re-added to the cart with the desired details. Information such as price and taxes can still be edited. 

  • Items and carts cannot be deleted, only voided. This allows you to keep track of orders that change after already being sent to KDS.

  • These changes will apply to all of your saved carts, regardless of whether they include kitchen items.

Fulfilment types 

When using Square KDS with Square for Retail, only fulfilment types such as ‘in-store’ and ‘pickup’ can be used to complete orders. Dining options are not compatible with the Square Retail POS app. The fulfilment type will be displayed on the KDS ticket.

Additional features on your Square Dashboard

  • Device management: Manage your devices from your Square Dashboard by selecting Kitchen settings > Kitchen displays.

  • Kitchen Performance: This report shows your completed ticket count, average completed ticket time and average item completion time across all tickets by KDS device name, location and timeframe.

  • Voided items: Remove an item or charge from the customer bill without losing track of those details. Voided items will appear in Items > Settings > Comp and void in your online Square Dashboard.


If your Square KDS is having trouble connecting with Square for Retail, try the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Make sure you are using the most recent version of the Square Retail POS app and Square KDS app.

  2. Check that the Android OS (software) is up to date on your device.

  3. Navigate to settings on your KDS app to double-check that your preferred item categories are enabled and that the correct items are in the selected item categories.

  4. Navigate to Settings on your KDS app to check that your preferred orders are enabled.

  5. Restart the KDS app.

  6. Take a trial order to double-check that your KDS is properly receiving orders from the Point of Sale.

Note: Your KDS device automatically connects to Point of Sale – as long as your KDS is created for the same location as your Point of Sale device. All setup is configured on the Square Dashboard and in the KDS app.

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