
Create a Personalised Order Screen with Square Online


Note: Enable a personalised order screen for each customer by upgrading your Square Online subscription.

The Square Online personalised order screen provides buyers with a dynamic landing page that personalises the ordering experience on your website. Think of it as a customised version of your ordering page with several added benefits for customers including quick reordering, access to customer accounts and much more.

Note: Currently, the personalised order screen is only available if you’re using the Order Online ordering page template.

Enable the Personalised Order Screen for Order Online

You can enable the personalised order screen if you already have the Order Online ordering page template. If you need to switch your template first:

  1. From your Square Online site editor, select the Page drop-down menu.

  2. Under Shop All, select ••• > Switch template.

  3. Choose Order Online and select Switch.

  4. Toggle on Personalised order screen.

  5. Publish your site to see the changes live.

If you want the personalised order screen to be your entire site, simply delete all other pages. If the ordering page is missing entirely and you need to add it again, select +Add > Page > Shop and choose Order Online to toggle on the Personalised order screen.

Customise Your Personalised Order Screen

Once you add the personalised order screen to your site, you’ll see several options available in the editing panel to customise it further. Options include:

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