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Pedidos en sucursales cruzadas con Square para Tiendas

Who is this article for?
This article is for retail owners and staff managing orders across multiple retail locations and requires a Square for Retail Plus or Premium subscription. Your team members must have specific permissions enabled. Learn more about custom permissions with Square.

Acerca de la administración de pedidos en todas las sucursales

Si no tienes existencias de un artículo en una sucursal, puedes tramitarlo fácilmente desde otra sucursal para evitar perder la venta. Al tramitar el pedido, tanto si lo vas a enviar por correo como si lo van a recoger, podrás consultar la cantidad de existencias de las que dispones en otras sucursales para determinar si lo puedes tramitar correctamente. Una vez creado el pedido, este se asignará a la sucursal seleccionada para su tramitación, y podrás realizar un control a través de la sección de pedidos del Panel de Datos Square en línea o en la aplicación de Square para Tiendas.

Antes de comenzar

Consulta los siguientes menús desplegables para obtener notas importantes sobre la administración de pedidos entre sucursales:

If your Items are split up across locations:

Split fulfillment is not currently available with cross location orders or single location orders. While this feature may be available in the future, you must fulfill your customer’s items from one single location at this time. As a workaround, you can process separate orders for your customer if the items are stocked across multiple locations.

If you currently use a courier (or alternate fulfillment method):

The only accepted fulfillment methods for cross location orders are pickup and shipping. Delivery through a third-party courier service is not available at this time

If your customer wants to pay later:

At this time, the ability to provide payment for an order at a later date is not available for single location and cross location orders. Customers must pay for their items up front in order to successfully complete the order and either fulfill it at the location they’ve ordered from or send it to another location for fulfillment.

Comenzar con los pedidos en sucursales cruzadas

Selecciona cada sección para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo crear pedidos en sucursales cruzadas y completar devoluciones en sucursales cruzadas.

Create a cross location order

To create a cross location order:

  1. Select an item to Add to Cart.
  2. On the item details screen, select Pickup or Shipping as the fulfillment method. If you select Pickup, you can add a new or existing customer to the order or directly enter pickup information in the Details fields. If you select Shipment, you can add a new or existing customer to the order, or directly enter delivery information in the Shipping address fields.
  3. When adding items to the cart, you can either: Select a specific item, and navigate to the item detail screen for it. Scroll down to the Location dropdown at the bottom of the fulfillment Details screens, and tap to select a new location. Tap the three dots at the top right of the cart, then tap Change Fulfillment Location. Tap the existing location dropdown to select a new location.
  4. You will be able to see inventory availability for the item(s) in your cart per location and filter by Distance, In stock, and Name.
  5. Once the new fulfillment location has been chosen, tap Save to complete your changes. The new fulfillment location will now be reflected at the top of your cart.
  6. Tap Charge to complete the order.

Once the order has been fulfilled at the appropriate location, the stock levels at the location where the item(s) were fulfilled will update accordingly. The location where the order was created will receive the sales data for the order, and the customer’s payment will be included in that location’s next transfer. The order details can be viewed in the sales reporting associated with said location.

Note: At this time, an entire order must be fulfilled from a single location with a single fulfillment type. The ability to split fulfillment across multiple locations is not currently available.

Complete a return for a cross location order

From your Square for Retail POS, you can type in a receipt number, scan the receipt, or swipe the payment tender to search for a transaction to return. If the transaction occurred from another location, you can now search from that specific location or select “all locations” to complete the return.

  1. Search for the transaction.
  2. If the transaction is not found, tap Select Location.
  3. Select the specific location or All Locations.
  4. Once you have located the transaction, you will have the option to return or exchange the items purchased.

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