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Create an ordering page with Square Online

Who is this article for?
  • Sellers with online permissions. Set permissions in Square Dashboard.
  • Square Online subscribers.
  • About the Square Online ordering page

    The ordering page for Square Online can be the focal point of your online catalog, where buyers can shop, browse, and order items from your website. This page gives you two layout options: 

    • Shop All: an option for selling physical goods, often associated with products you might find in a retail store. This template has the best support for shipping.

    • Order Online: an option for selling prepared food and beverage items, often associated with menu items you'd find in a restaurant, or any size food and drink vendor. This template has the best support for local delivery, and in-store and curbside pickup.

    You can easily add an ordering page to any Square Online site. If you already have a site built with a third-party host that needs a catalog, you can also use a Square Online ordering page by linking to it from your third-party website. This makes accepting payments online with Square simple and easy, no matter where your website is hosted.

    Before you begin

    • You can create an ordering page, set up a personalized order screen, and set up your existing website with Square Online from your Square Dashboard.

    • Be sure you've set up a Square Online account. Learn how to set up your online store with Square Online to get started.

    • Be sure you have items in your Item Library ready to sell online. Learn how to set up items for your online store.

    • With Square Online Plus or Premium, you can customize the buyer experience on your ordering page by turning it into a personalized order screen specific to each customer. The personalized order screen is only available for the Order Online template at this time.

    Add an ordering page to your Square Online site

    1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and go to Sales channels > Online > Website > Edit site.

    2. Select + > Page.

    3. Select Shop, and choose either the Shop All or Order Online ordering page template.

    4. Select Add to include the page on your site. Each template has different features you can customize. 

    5. Publish your site to see the changes live.

    To switch your template:

    1. Select the Page drop-down menu.

    2. For the Shop All or Order Online page, select ••• > Switch template.

    3. Choose your preferred template and select Done.


    Display items and categories on your ordering page

    You can add items and categories from your Item Library to your ordering page. You have different options for customization depending on your template.

    Shop All

    1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and go to Sales channels > Online > Website > Edit site.
    2. Select the Page drop-down menu and open your Shop All page.
    3. Select the Item list section in the editing panel to open the settings, then select Arrange items.
    4. Choose any of the automatic arrangement options in the drop-down menu, including Popularity, Newest, Price (High-Low), Price (Low-High), Alphabetical (A-Z), or Alphabetical (Z-A). You can also choose Custom to drag and drop your items in the order of your choosing.

    Order Online

    1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and go to Sales channels > Online > Website > Edit site.
    2. Select the Page drop-down menu and open your Order Online page.
    3. Select the Item list section in the editing panel to open the settings, then select View items.
    4. Toggle on Most popular to show items frequently ordered by customers, and Recent orders to show items specific to each customer.
    5. To add a category menu at the top of your item list section, go back to your Item list in the editing panel and select Content to toggle on Category menu.
    6. To turn on cross-selling, go back to your Item list in the editing panel and select Content > Item view to check the Customers also purchased option.

    With Order Online, items will be shown in the order they appear in your Item Library. Go to your Item Library if you need to make changes.

    Set up your ordering page as a personalized order screen

    To personalize the ordering experience on your Square Online site, enable the personalized order screen—a customized version of your ordering page that provides buyers with item recommendations, quick reordering options, customer account access, active coupons, and much more.

    1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and go to Sales channels > Online > Website > Edit site.

    2. Select the Page drop-down menu.

    3. Under Order Online, toggle on Personalized order screen. If you're using Shop All, you'll need to switch your template first to see this option.

    4. Publish your site to see the changes live.

    You can select the different parts of your personalized order screen to customize them from the editing panel.

    Add an ordering page to your third-party site

    To use Square Online as an ordering page for your existing third-party website, you'll need to create the ordering page, publish it to a domain, and link to it from your third-party site.

    Step 1: Build a Square Online ordering page

    To start building an ordering page, select Single ordering page when you first sign up for Square Online, or follow these steps:

    1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and go to Sales channels > Online > Website > Edit site.
    2. Select the Page dropdown menu to see your pages.
    3. Under Shop All or Order Online, select ••• > Switch template if necessary.
    4. Under Shop All or Order Online, select ••• > Make this my homepage.
    5. Delete all other pages by selecting ••• > Delete page.
    6. Customize your ordering page as needed.

    Step 2: Publish your site to a domain

    Once your Square Online ordering page is set up, you’ll need to publish it to a domain.

    You can use a free Square-branded subdomain that never expires (like “mybusiness.square.site”), or a custom subdomain with your branding (like “store.mybusiness.com” or “order.myrestaurant.com”). Additionally, you can connect an entirely different third-party domain to your ordering page, or purchase a new one directly from Square.

    Step 3: Link your Square Online ordering page to your existing website

    After you’ve published your Square Online ordering page to a domain, your final step is to add a link to your ordering page on your primary website—best on your primary website’s navigation menu. If you need help creating a link on your primary website, reach out to your current website host.

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