
View team member timecard and scheduling reports

Who is this article for?
  • Account owners or team members with the shifts permission to manage timecard reports or view wages and labour cost. Set permissions in Square Dashboard.
  • Square Shifts subscribers.
  • About timecard and scheduling reports 

    Square Shifts provides access to timecards that help you manage your team members, including total hours worked, breaks, timecard notes, and labour cost. With these tools, you can view performance insights for your team.

    Before you begin 

    Timecard and shift reports can only be downloaded from a computer and can’t be downloaded from the Square Team app.

    Timecard reports include the following details:

    • Regular hours: Hours worked at a team member’s wage according to their job title.

    • Overtime hours: Defined by your state’s rules, overtime hours are typically paid at 1.5x the team member’s hourly wage. 

    • Overtime alerts: Shifts that go into overtime and doubletime are flagged with the specific reason and marked in red. To adjust overtime settings, as well as find information on your state’s overtime rules, go to Shifts > Settings > Overtime in Square Dashboard.

    • Double Time hours: Defined by your state’s rules, overtime hours are typically paid at 2x the team member’s hourly wage.

    • Paid hours: Total paid hours for the selected date range.

    • Paid breaks: Total paid breaks based on your state’s rules and your break settings for the selected date range. Paid breaks will count toward overtime calculations.

    • Unpaid breaks: Total unpaid breaks based on your state’s rules and your break settings for the selected date range. Unpaid breaks do not count toward overtime.

    • Break violation alerts: If a team member’s break is too long or short, it will be marked red in your shift reports after two minutes following the violation. To adjust your break settings and find information on your state’s meal and rest period rules, go to Shifts > Settings > Breaks in Square Dashboard.

    • Total labor cost: Total labour cost for the selected date range.

    • Tipped wage: Provides an accurate view of the team members tipped wage and can help you understand how to manage tip credits, if applicable.

    Overtime for team members with multiple wages is based on the team member’s blended rate. A blended rate is the weighted average of the total normal earnings divided by total hours worked. For compensation, the team member is paid 0.5x this rate for their overtime premium.

    The shift report captures both declared cash tips and transaction-pooled tips, with attribution to the team member occurring only when pooling tips by transaction. These are the only two types of tips that can be accurately linked to a timecard. For pooling done through any other method, you should use the export labour cost report.

    View and export team member shifts

    View a single shift

    1. Sign in to Square Dashboard, then go to Staff > Time tracking > Workday.
    2. Locate and select the shift in question.
    3. You’ll see total hours worked in that shift, paid hours, breaks, notes, labour cost, declared cash tips, and pooled by transaction tips.

    View and export a team member’s shift history for a period of time

    1. Sign in to Square Dashboard, then go to Staff > Time tracking > Timecards.
    2. Adjust the date and location filters and select a team member’s name.
    3. Select a shift to view its details.
    4. Click Export > Export shifts to download a .CSV file of the report for that team member.

    View and export labour cost by location

    1. Sign in to Square Dashboard, then go to Staff > Time tracking > Timecards.
    2. Adjust the date and location filters and select a team member’s name.
    3. Select a shift to view its details.
    4. Click Export > Labour cost by location to download a .CSV file of the report.

    This option will export all locations. You do not have the option to choose specific locations.

    View and export a workday summary 

    When clocking out of a shared point of sale, team members have the option to print their workday summary, which includes clock in and out times, breaks, and total paid hours. To do so:

    • From the Checkout screen on your Square Point of Sale, tap Clock In/Out.

    • Enter your four digit personal passcode and tap End Shift

    • Below the workday summary, select Print.

    While breaks are listed on the printed Workday summary, they will not be displayed on the clock out screen.

    View and export labour vs sales reports 

    With labour vs sales reporting you can compare your hourly labour costs to your net sales. This report helps optimise your staffing schedules to ensure that the right number of team members are scheduled for peak times. To view your labor vs sales report:

    1. Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Reports > Reports > Labour vs. sales.

    2. Filter your report by day, week, month, team member, or location.

    3. Click Export to download a .CSV file.

    Labour vs. sales reporting requires a Square Shifts Plus subscription and your team members must have a wage assigned to their profile. Team members will need to clock in and out for a few days before there is data for the report. Shifts that were created prior to adding wage information to a team member will not populate retroactively.

    View labour performance metrics in the Dashboard app

    You can view labour performance metrics in the Square Dashboard app, including labour percentage of net sales, scheduled vs. actual labour, and staff clock-in/out times. Learn how to understand the Square Dashboard app.

    Labour % of net sales

    1. From the Home tab, scroll to Labour performance.
    2. Tap Labour % of net sales to view more details. You can also view this from the Reports tab.
    3. Tap the current date box and select a time to compare your data.
    4. Tap Timeframe to sort by earliest or latest.
    5. Tap Labour % and select from the following data you want to view:
      • Net sales
      • Labour cost
      • Labour % of net sales
    6. Tap the back arrow to return to the Home tab.

    Scheduled vs. actual labour

    1. Tap the Staff > Timecards
    2. If you have scheduled hours, you’ll be able to see the scheduled vs actual details.
    3. Select the date range you want to view. You can view a maximum of one week at a time.

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