Create custom fields in your Customer Directory
About creating custom fields
Adding customisable fields in your Customer Directory gives you more flexibility when collecting and storing customer information, and more control over grouping and filtering customers based on the qualities relevant to your business. For example, a restaurant could add a custom field called Allergies and list relevant food allergies.
Changes you make will be reflected automatically and viewable from anywhere you access Square. All information you collect can be exported, and some fields can be searched and filtered.
Before you begin
You can set up, view, add, hide, and edit information custom fields from your Square Dashboard and point of sale app.
You can create a wide variety of field types to meet your business needs. Custom field types include:
Text Input: This field will only accept text entries. For example, a hairstylist could name the field “Hair Colour” and type in the most recent colour used.
Toggle: Indicate whether this field is True or False. For example, a photographer could name the field “Referral?” and turn on the toggle to indicate “Yes.”
Address: Enter an address which may be different for billing or shipping.
Date: Enter an important or celebratory date such as a birthday or membership anniversary.
Selection: Create a list of values you can select to add to a customer profile. This field can either be a single or multiple-choice list. For example, a restaurant could name the field “Allergies,” create a list of 10 common allergy types, and select each one that applies to an individual customer.
Email Address: Add additional email address fields. For example, a contractor could name the field “Work Email” and capture a secondary email address for customers.
Number Input: This field will only accept number entries.
Phone Number: Add additional phone numbers. For example, a spa could name the field “Emergency Contact Number” and add this information for each customer. You are able to input phone numbers with any country code.
Create a custom field
- Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Customer directory.
- Click Settings > Configure profiles.
- Click Create Custom Field.
- Name the field and select a field type.
- Click Save.
Once you’ve created custom fields, you can rearrange the order of visible fields by dragging and dropping the (⠿) icon from your Square Dashboard or the (≣) icon from the point of sale app.
Add information to a custom field
Once a custom field is configured, you can add information to those fields within each customer profile. You can edit a customer profile within your Square Dashboard, point of sale app, or when importing customers using an Excel or CSV file.
- Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Customers > Customer directory.
- Select an existing customer profile or create a new one.
- Click Edit and locate the custom field.
- Add the relevant custom information, then click Save.
Edit or delete a custom field
- Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Customers > Customer directory.
- Click Settings > Configure profiles.
- Find the custom field in the Visible Fields list, and click Edit.
- Make your edits or click Delete.
- Click Save.
Filter by custom fields
Filters make it easy to search, group, and analyse your customers. Segmenting your customer database also allows you to communicate with and market to a target group, as well as provides you insights into customer trends. If you’ve created visible, custom fields with the field types of ‘Toggle’ or ‘Selection’, they’ll automatically be added to the list of filters in your directory.