
Bulk import items in Square Dashboard

Who is this article for?
  • Sellers with general items permissions. Set permissions in the Square Dashboard.
  • About bulk importing items

    If you want to add multiple items to your catalogue at once, you can use Square’s item import tool to make bulk additions or changes to your catalogue using a spreadsheet. The import functionality is useful if you have a large item catalogue, rather than manually entering or updating items one by one. The import tool can be used to upload your catalogue for the first time, as well as make changes to your catalogue, or transfer your catalogue to another Square account.

    Before you begin

    You can bulk import items in the Square Dashboard through a web browser on a laptop or desktop computer.

    If you are using the import tool to make changes to an existing item catalogue, we recommend exporting a copy of your catalogue and saving a distinct file before continuing — this way, you can always revert back to the previous library if you have any issues or lose any information.

    Spreadsheet fields, format, and descriptions

    • Reference: A unique value used to reference variations within the import/export file. Specifically, this field is used to associate stock by variations with their sell by variations during inventory import.

    • Token: Your Square Dashboard will automatically populate this token. If you are importing a new item, leave this field blank, if you are editing items do not change the token.

    • Item Name: Can include numbers, letters or symbols. Maximum 128 characters.

    • Variation Name: Can include numbers, letters or symbols. Maximum 128 characters.

    • Unit and Precision: Unit type and precision (decimal places).

    • SKU: Each variation should be assigned a unique SKU.

    • Description: Can include numbers, letters or symbols. Maximum 1,024 characters.

    • Category: Can include numbers, letters or symbols. Maximum 128 characters.

    • SEO Title: Item title to be displayed in search results. Will default to Item Name if left blank.

    • SEO Description: Item description to be displayed in search results. Will default to Item Description if left blank.

    • Permalink: A search engine friendly link for Items. Will default to Item Name if left blank.
      Square Online Item Visibility: Accepted values are “Visible”, “Hidden”, or “Unavailable.”

    • Weight: Numeric. Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 10,000,000.

    • Shipping enabled: Yes (Y) or No (N) value indicating whether shipping fulfillment is enabled for the item.

    • QR code ordering enabled: Yes (Y) or No (N) value indicating whether QR code ordering fulfillment is enabled for the item.

    • Delivery enabled: Yes (Y) or No (N) value indicating whether Delivery fulfillment is enabled for the item.

    • Pickup enabled: Yes (Y) or No (N) value indicating whether Pickup fulfillment is enabled for the item.

    • Price: Numeric. Must be $0.00 or greater (a fixed price needs to be a positive number). You can also leave blank or write in “Variable” to indicate a variable price.

    • Archived: Yes (Y) or No (N) value indicating whether this item variation has been archived. Archiving will hide the item variation from the default views in the Item Library.

    • Option Name 1/2: Can include numbers, letters or symbols. Maximum 128 characters.

    • Option Value 1/2: Can include numbers, letters or symbols. Maximum 128 characters.

    • Enabled [Your location name]: Yes or No. This will set your item as visible in individual locations. If you only have one location and see this column, make sure all items are set to Yes. If you have more than one location, they will appear in the spreadsheet if location filters are not applied.

    • Current Quantity [Your location name]: Numeric. If you are using Inventory Management this is the current quantity of this item defined as in stock. Changes to this field are ignored on import.

    • New Quantity [Your location name]: Numeric. If you are using Inventory Management, enter your current stock count here. This count will replace any existing stock count. You can also write in “No” to disable stock tracking for this item variation.

    • Stock Alert Enabled [Your location name]: If you are using Inventory Management, you can set Yes or No to turn on items for inventory alerts.

    • Stock Alert Count [Your location name]: Numeric. If you are using Inventory Management and have alerts enabled, this is the quantity at which you will be alerted.

    • Price [Your location name]: Numeric.

    • Modifier Set [Your modifier set]: Yes (Y) or No (N) value indicating if the Modifier Set should be applied to the item.

    • Tax [Your tax setting]: If you have created a tax, set it to Yes (Y) or No (N) to apply that to the item. There can be multiple columns for tax.

    Square for Retail template fields

    If you’re subscribed to Square for Retail, you can access additional fields in your template to help make inventory management a seamless experience.

    • GTIN: A Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) is a unique and internationally recognised identifier for a product composed of up to 14 digits.

    • Sellable: Y or N. Item variations – such as components or ingredients – can be marked as sellable or non-sellable.

    • Stockable: Y or N. Choose to track inventory for items using a unit that differs from the unit they’re sold by.

    • Auto Add Item to Bill: Y or N. This controls whether you would like to be prompted to add modifiers or choose variations when the item is added to a cart/tab.

    • Default Unit Cost: Numeric. This is the default cost that will be entered into any cost lots when receiving this item. You will have the option to override this when receiving on the Point of Sale or Square Dashboard.

    • Default Vendor Code: Can include numbers, letters or symbols. Maximum 128 characters. This indicates the item identifier within the vendor’s catalogue.

    Depending on which Square features you use, your spreadsheet may not contain all of these fields.

    Step 1. Download your library template

    When you download your item library template, the file is formatted to text, not numbers. If you want to use the template to perform number functions, you must change the downloaded file to a numeric format.

    Option A: Create a new item library

    1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and click Items.
    2. Click the Actions drop-down menu > click Export Library.
    3. Click Blank import library to download the template.
    4. Click Export to download the template and the Excel (.xlsx) file will automatically download to your desktop.
    5. Open the downloaded file. The file will have the title ‘template-YYYY-MM-DD-XXXX.xlsx’.
    6. Review the instructions at the top of the file and example text above each column field to begin editing.

    Option B: Update an existing item library

    Before you export your library, update your filters to reflect what items you would like to export. The export will only include items you are currently viewing.

    1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and click Items.
    2. Click the Actions drop-down menu > click Export Library.
    3. Choose to export All items or Items matching applied filters.
    4. Choose between an Excel or CSV file format (we strongly recommend downloading the Excel (.xlsx) format)
    5. Click Export. A spreadsheet will download to your computer.

    Step 2. Transfer items between Square accounts (optional)

    This step is only for Square sellers looking to transfer items between Square accounts. If this is not your intention, go directly to Step 3.

    If you have created a new Square account and would like to transfer items from an existing Square account into a new account, the Import/Export tool can be used, but additional steps are required. 

    Once you have downloaded your Excel file, you’ll need to make a couple of changes before transferring your items to your second account.

    Delete location specific tokens

    The first column in your Excel spreadsheet will display a Token. Tokens are unique labels created by Square for every item variation. To transfer items to a new account the token field must be blank.

    Do not delete the entire column. The Token column and Token column header are required to successfully import.

    Edit location specific names

    If your new account contains different location names, you will need to update the names of the locations in the location-specific headers to match the new location names. If you do not use Inventory Management many of the cell values may be blank; you can leave them blank.

    If the account that you are copying from contains:

    • more locations than the new account, you do not need to remove the extra location-specific columns. The extra columns will be ignored.

    • fewer locations than the new account, you must add additional location-specific columns to match. The only location-specific column that every location is required to have is the “Enabled Location” column. The other location-specific columns are optional.

    Step 3. Update your item library spreadsheet

    Edit your Excel file

    When editing your Excel (.xlsx) file, we recommend using the most up-to-date version of your spreadsheet program.

    1. Update the template columns with your item information. When editing the template:
      • You cannot create or update a unit type or unit precision from your Excel spreadsheet – you will only see the option to select one of your existing units from the cell drop-down menu.
      • Don’t change any information in the Token column.
      • Don’t reorder or delete any columns. Changing the columns will result in an error when you import the library into your Dashboard.
      • Leaving the Category field blank means the item will show as Uncategorised in your Item library in Dashboard. If you re-import an existing item that already belongs to a category and leave the Category field blank, the item will not be removed from the existing category that it belongs to.
      • Any new values you enter in the Category column will create new categories in your Item library in Dashboard.
      • Leaving the Price field blank or writing ‘Variable’ will create a variable-priced item.
      • Leaving the Modifier set field blank will default the modifier to Off. Place a Y in the appropriate Modifier Set field to apply a specific modifier to an item.
      • Any changes made to the New quantity column will replace the existing item quantity. If you enter a zero in the New quantity column, your inventory for that item for that location will be set to zero.
      • You can assign a location-specific price, stock count or availability by setting values in the location-specific columns.
      • Items that use rich text formatting will have HTML tags included in the item descriptions in the exported file (HTML tags are small pieces of code, such as ‘</p>’ and ‘</br>’).
    2. When you are done editing your library, save the Excel file to your computer.

    Edit your CSV file

    The following information only applies if importing items using a CSV file, not Excel (.xlsx).

    You cannot create or update a unit type or unit precision from your CSV file. If you are using a CSV file, you’ll need to manually enter the unit and precision. Make sure to enter the full unit type name and precision – do not use abbreviations, or the cell will return an error.

    While you can import the CSV data into a spreadsheet, if your Item Library contains SKUs, do not open the CSV file directly as some spreadsheet editors will modify your SKUs in unexpected ways. Specifically, they may remove leading zeros or convert them to another format.

    If you have SKUs in your CSV, open the data in Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets to make sure there are no errors in your file.

    Step 4. Upload your updated item library

    Once you finish updating your file, you can import the spreadsheet into your Square Dashboard to update your Item library. Before you upload your updated file:

    • Make sure the following required columns are in your Excel (.xlsx) or CSV: Item Name, Variation Name, Description, and SKU. If you have more than one location, the Enabled [Location Name] column is also required.

    • Make sure the Tax column has the required heading format, which includes the tax percentage value in parentheses within the header. For example, “Tax - Sales (7%)”.

    To upload your updated item library:

    1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and go to Items.

    2. Click the Actions drop-down menu > click Import library.

    3. Drag and drop the updated file into the upload box area or click Browse file to select your spreadsheet. Click Next.

    4. You will be prompted to match document columns for item attributes.
      If you did not change the column names in the file downloaded from Square, the product attributes should be automatically matched. Confirm each item attribute is matched to the correct column, then click Next.

    The importing process may take a few minutes to complete. If you do not receive an error message, your item library successfully imported.

    If your import is not successful, your file may have errors that need to be resolved before you can finish uploading. If your file has errors, you can choose to accept automatic updates to fix the file, or opt to make manual corrections to your file and re-upload.

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