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Get Started with Subscriptions in Dashboard

With Square Subscriptions on Square Dashboard, keep track of your subscription plans and subscribers from anywhere you're selling subscriptions, create and manage plans, and add new customers to subscriptions all in one place.

Create a Plan

  1. Log in to your online Square Dashboardand click Payments > Subscriptions > Plans.

  2. Click Create a plan to add your plan details.

  3. Under Plan Details, choose a Plan name (only visible to you). Click Assign Items and select the relevant products. You can assign existing catalog items to the plan you create by selecting the items  you want to make available for subscription. Learn more aboutcreating new items.

  4. Click Add frequency to choose the available frequencies for this plan.

  5. For billing frequency, choose from bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, or twice a year.

  6. For subscription billing start date, choose to bill your customers at the time the subscription starts, the last day of each month, or a billing date of your choice. Note: Choosing a subscription billing start date is only available for new monthly subscription plans. After selecting your billing date, your partial billing option will be set to Prorate or Charge Full Price.

  7. Set an endpoint for your plan, or select Never if you want your plan to be continuous.

  8. Toggle on if a discount is available with this frequency and assign a percentage or specific amount discount.

  9. If you want to allow customers to pause subscriptions, toggle on Pause subscriptions and set a pause duration limit. Note: You can repeat these steps if you want to add another frequency.

  10. Click Add when you're done.

Your new plan will now show up under Plans in the Subscriptions section of Square Dashboard. You can also attach your new subscription plan to site items in Square Online. Learn more about setting up item subscriptions in Square Online.

Edit a Plan

To make changes to an existing plan, go to Payments > Subscriptions > Plans in your Square Dashboard and click . . . next to the plan you want to edit. Note: the changes made to the plan only affect new subscriptions. Existing subscriptions won’t be affected by the updates.

To add items to an existing plan:

  1. In Items options, click Assign Items.

  2. From the Select Items menu, check any items you want to add to the plan.

  3. Click Done.

To update the frequencies on an existing plan:

  1. To add a new frequency, in Frequency options, click Add Frequency and select the frequency from the drop-down menu.

  2. Edit the end date, modify or add discounts, and enable or disable the ability to pause and resume the plan.

  3. To delete an existing frequency, click ... next to the frequency you want to remove. Click Deactivate.

  4. To edit an existing frequency, click ... next to the frequency you want to edit and click Edit. Make your changes and click Save.

  5. To duplicate an existing frequency, click ... next to the frequency you want to duplicate and click Duplicate. Modify the settings and create a new frequency based on the existing one.

  6. Click Save.

Duplicate or Deactivate a Plan

From your Plans page, you can duplicate a subscription plan or turn off any plans. You can also share the checkout link with your customers to make it even easier for them to subscribe.

Duplicate a plan

  1. Log in to your Square Dashboard and click Payments > Subscriptions > Plans.
  2. Find the plan you want to duplicate, and click the more options icon (. . .) for that plan.
  3. Select Duplicate plan.
  4. Review the plan details and make any changes if needed.
  5. Click Save.

Deactivate a plan

  1. Log in to your Square Dashboard and click Payments > Subscriptions > Plans.
  2. Find the plan you want to deactivate, and click the more options icon (. . .) for that plan.
  3. Select Deactivate plan.
  4. A window will pop up to confirm the plan you want to deactivate the plan. To continue, click Deactivate plan. Existing subscriptions to a deactivated plan will not be affected and will continue to renew until the existing subscriptions are canceled.

Note: You can only duplicate or deactivate a plan from your Square Dashboard.

Create a Subscription

You can add an existing customer to a subscription plan or create a new customer to add to the plan. To create a subscription:

  1. Log in to your online Square Dashboard and click Payments > Subscriptions > Create a subscription.

  2. In the Customer field, select an existing customer from your Customer Directoryor enter a customer name:

    • If you add an existing customer, subscriber details will automatically load.

    • If you create a new customer, enter their email address or phone number in the Subscriber details. Note: You can add a “Note” (visible only to you) for the subscriber.

  3. Select the location and the start date for your subscription.

  4. Select a plan from the drop-down menu. If there are multiple frequencies available for the plan, select one from the Frequency drop-down menu. Note: You can click View plan details to see a summary of the subscription set-up options for the selected plan.

  5. To add items to this subscription, click Add an item and select an existing item from the catalog.

  6. To add a discount, click Add Discount and choose an existing discount, or create a new one. If you create a new discount and wish to save it for later use, select Save discount for future transactions. Tap Save when you're done.

  7. Choose the fulfillment method. Note: The orders with No Fulfillment option will still appear in Order Manager but will not have shipping details. If you choose the Shipment option, you’ll need to add a shipping address. 

  8. If you wish to add a Service Charge (e.g. shipping charge, packing fees, etc.), tap Add Service Charge and choose an existing service charge, or create a new one.

    • To use an existing service charge, select it from the service charge library in your online Square Dashboard. Tap Save when complete.

    • To create a new service charge, give it a name and choose a fixed dollar amount or percentage. You can also save the service charge for future use. Tap Save when complete. Repeat these steps to add each additional service charge.

  9. Select the payment method by entering the payment information for new customers, or selecting the payment information of existing customers. You can also choose to send an invoice by email.

  10. Under Plan details, click Add plan and select the subscription plan where you want to add the customer. If you want to add sales tax to the subscription, click Add sales tax, then Save.

  11. Review the subscription details and click Save to begin your customer's subscription.

Note: Your customers can manage their subscriptions, including pausing, resuming, or canceling a subscription, by clicking the Manage Subscription link included in all subscription notification emails.

Manage Subscriptions

Once you create a plan, you can start adding customers to it as subscribers. You can view a current list of all your subscriptions — active, paused, and canceled — from Subscriptions in your Square Dashboard. You can search subscriptions by customer name for quick access.

View or edit a subscription

  1. Log in to your Square Dashboard and click Payments > Subscriptions.
  2. Click the subscription you want to view to open the subscription details, and select Edit to make changes. From here, you can update the following information:

  • Customer details: Click Edit profile to make changes to the customer information, and click Save when done.
  • Subscription note: Click the note to edit.
  • Subscription details: Change your Billing frequency (weekly, every two weeks, or monthly).
  • Item: Click Add an item to select an item to add to the subscription from your Item Library. Click the item you added to edit item options or quantity or click the delete button to remove the item from the subscription. To edit item details (such as variations), click the item name and click Save when done.
  • Discounts: Click Add discount and enter the discount details (name, amount type). Click the delete button to remove the discount.
  • Service charges: If applicable, click Add service charge and enter the details (name, amount type). Click the delete button to remove.
  • Fulfillment: Click Edit to change the fulfillment type or update the shipping address.
  • Payment details: Change the payment method by selecting one of the other saved payment methods on file or send an invoice by email.
    1. Click Save and review the updates to the subscription, then click Confirm. Your customer will receive an email containing a summary of the updates to their saved email address.

Pause a subscription

  1. Log in to your Square Dashboard and click Payments > Subscriptions.
  2. Click the subscription you want to pause.
  3. Click the more options icon (…) on the Subscription detail view and select Pause subscription.
  4. Choose to pause the subscription Indefinitely or By billing cycle.
  5. To confirm your selection, click Save.

Your customer will receive a notification that the subscription has been paused. The subscription status will change from Pause Scheduled to Paused at the end of the current billing cycle.

Resume a subscription

  1. Log in to your Square Dashboard and click Payments > Subscriptions.
  2. Click the subscription you want to resume.
  3. Click the more options icon (…) on the Subscription detail view and select Resume subscription.
  4. Choose to resume the subscription Immediately or On the next billing date.
  5. To confirm your selection, click Save.

Your customer will receive a notification when the subscription resumes, and their subscription status will show as Active.

Cancel a subscription

  1. Log in to your Square Dashboard and click Payments > Subscriptions.
  2. Click the subscription you want to resume.
  3. Under the subscription details, click Cancel subscription at the bottom of Subscription Detail view.
  4. To confirm the cancellation, click Cancel subscription > Done.

Your customer will receive a notification that the subscription has been canceled. The subscription status will now show as Canceled in your Dashboard. 

Note: Your customers can manage their subscriptions, including pausing, resuming, or canceling a subscription, by clicking the Manage Subscription link included in all subscription notification emails.