
Accept payments for appointments

About payments with appointments 

With Square Appointments you can streamline your checkout process by requiring customer prepayment for services, apply rewards to transactions, customize payment options, and check out from your calendar.

Take a look at Square’s payment processing fees and how processing fees are calculated for details about online transaction fees.

Before you begin 

Before processing your first payment with Square Appointments, make sure you’ve set up your point of sale hardware:

You also need to set up your Square Appointments account. Learn how to set up your health & beauty business with Square. You can also Settle payments and manage tips for your bookings, and customize the payments you accept from the app. 

Process a payment for a booked appointment

Square Dashboard

  1. From your Square Dashboard select Appointments > Calendar.
  2. Select the appointment you wish to charge and open the appointment details and click Take Payment.
  3. Under Payment Method, select the preferred payment method and follow the prompts to complete the sale.
  4. Click Charge Card or Record Payment.

Note: If you make edits to an appointment before taking the online payment, make sure to click Save before going on to take the payment.

Point of sale app

From the Square POS app with bookings mode enabled or from the Square Appointments POS app:

  1. Tap on the appointment in your calendar. You can also tap Checkout and select an appointment from the list in the Appointments tab. Note: The sale will be associated with the staff member the appointment was booked with.
  2. Tap Review and Check Out.
  3. Add any additional items or services > select Charge. Appointment information will automatically carry over from the booked appointment.
  4. Process your customer’s card or preferred payment method to complete the transaction.

Process a payment without a booked appointment 

For walk-in appointments or on-the-spot sales, you can process a payment without a booked appointment. To do so from the Square Point of Sale app with bookings mode enabled or from the Square Appointments app:

  1. Tap Checkout from the navigation bar.

  2. Tap the Library tab and add applicable services or items.

  3. Tap Review sale.

  4. Add an optional customer to associate this sale with their profile.

  5. Tap Charge and proceed through the payment flow by selecting the payment type.

Sales processed without a booked appointment are associated with the staff account logged into the device.

Manage rewards during checkout 

Redeem rewards for an appointment

From the Square POS app with bookings mode enabled or from the Square Appointments POS app:

  1. Open your point of sale app and select the appointment from your calendar and tap Review and Check Out.
  2. From the next screen tap Add Item or Discount > Redeem Rewards.
  3. Select your client to view their available rewards and tap Apply to Cart. You can also tap Use Code to manually enter their reward code. After you’ve applied a reward you’ll automatically be taken back to the checkout screen.
  4. Tap Charge to complete the transaction.

Apply a reward during booking

You can also apply your customer’s Loyalty reward when you book their appointment.

From the Square POS app with bookings mode enabled or from the Square Appointments POS app:

  1. Open your point of sale app and go to your calendar and tap Create Appointment > Add Item or Discount.
  2. Select your client to view their available rewards > Apply to Cart. You can also tap Use Code to manually enter their reward code.
  3. When you process your customer’s payment, any rewards you added will automatically apply to the sale.

Learn how to apply coupons and rewards to transactions.

Collect taxes for an appointment

To add sales tax to a service, you’ll need to manually enable for each service during the checkout flow. To do so from the Square POS app with bookings mode enabled or from the Square Appointments POS app:

  1. Once you locate the appointment, tap to bring up the Appointments Details page.

  2. Tap Review and Check Out.

  3. You’ll see a list of items and services. Tap on the service and manually enable the applicable tax.

  4. Tap Save > Charge.

Services and items associated with the appointment will automatically be added to your cart.

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