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Check Out from the Square Appointments App

Accept customer payments using the Square Appointments iPhone and iPad app. The Appointments app lets you schedule or edit appointments, process payments or view reports – all in one place.

Pair the Square Reader

If you’re using the Square contactless and chip card reader to process payments, you will need to pair the reader directly from the Square Appointments app.

Note: The reader is not able to pair through your device’s Bluetooth settings.

Follow the steps below to pair your reader:

  1. Go to the Square Appointments app > tap the three horizontal lines in the upper-right corner to navigate to the menu.

  2. Tap Settings > Card Readers.

  3. Tap Square Reader > Connect My Reader Wirelessly.

If you run into any issues, you can read more about the Square Reader.

Manage Payment Types

You can customise the payments you accept from the app. When you disable a payment type, you and your staff will no longer see it as an option during the checkout flow.

  1. Select the menu icon in the navigation bar.

  2. Tap Settings > Payment Types.

  3. To rearrange, drag and drop by tapping the three horizontal lines next to the Payment Type name.

  4. Tap the toggle button to the right of the Payment Type to add or remove it from your checkout screen.

  5. Use the Preview button at the top of the screen to preview your new checkout screen.

Enable Tipping In-App

  1. Tap the three horizontal lines in the upper-right corner to navigate to the menu.

  2. Tap Settings > Tipping.

  3. Toggle Collect Tips on and select your tipping preferences.

Note: If Allow Custom Amounts is enabled and the pre-set amounts are all set to 0%, the Appointments app will hide these amounts and display only the Custom Tip Amount and No Tip options.

Check Out From the Square Appointments App

To check out customers from the Square Appointments app:

  1. Tap the appointment in your calendar. Note: The sale will be associated with the staff member the appointment was booked with.

  2. Tap Review and Check Out.

  3. Add any additional items or services > select Charge. Appointment information will automatically carry over from the booked appointment.

  4. Process your customer’s card or accept cash on the payment option screen to complete the transaction.

Process Payments Without a Booked Appointment

For walk-in appointments or on-the-spot sales, you can process a payment without a booked appointment:

  1. Open the Appointments app > tap on Checkout on the navigation bar.

  2. Add applicable services or items.

  3. Tap Charge and proceed through the payment flow by selecting the payment type.

Note: Since the payment will be processed without a booked appointment, by default the sale will be associated with the staff account logged in to the Appointments app.

Collecting Taxes for Services

To add VAT to a service, you’ll need to manually enable it for each service during the checkout flow:

  1. Once you locate the appointment, tap to bring up the Appointments Details page.

  2. Tap Review and Check Out.

  3. You’ll see a list of items and services. Tap on the service and manually enable the applicable tax.

  4. Tap Save > Charge.

  5. Services and items associated with the appointment will automatically be added to your basket.

Issue a Refund

To issue a refund from the app:

  1. Open the navigation menu > Transactions.

  2. Select the transaction you’d like to refund > tap Issue Refund.

  3. Tap Select All Items to refund the entire sale, select the specific items you’d like to refund or tap Amount to refund a specific amount.

  4. Tap Next.

  5. Select items to restock and choose a reason, or opt to Skip Restock.

  6. Tap Refund.

Track Staff Sales

When you check out with a booked appointment, the sale and tip amount are automatically assigned to the staff member who performed the service.
You can export detailed reports to gain insights into how your services and staff are performing.

To get started:

  1. Head to your online Square Dashboard.

  2. Click Category Sales.

  3. Choose Display By > Employee.

  4. View each each staff member’s sales by category to help you distinguish between services and items sold.

  5. Click Export to download a CSV file for your records.

Learn more about Square’s reporting tools.

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