Square Partner Directory

Our partners are here to help your business grow.

Whether you’re just starting out or want to boost your business in new ways, Square has partner solutions ready to meet your needs.

Square App Marketplace

Square App Marketplace

Browse our curated catalogue of powerful apps for independent businesses. Save time and streamline your operations by connecting them to your account.

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Easy integration

Connect apps to your Square account in just a few clicks.

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Time-saving apps

Apps can automate tasks, organize data and do a whole lot more.

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Diverse options

From accounting to marketing and beyond, there’s an app for you.

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Handpicked solutions

Our team vets each app carefully to make sure they work seamlessly with Square.

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How it works

((1)) Browse app marketplace.

Select the app most relevant to your business needs.

((2)) Review integration.

Read the details of the app integration and decide whether it’s right for you.

((3)) Connect app.

Follow the integration steps laid out and save time with your new app.

Square Specialists

Square Specialists

Browse our Square-reviewed partners based on your needs and reach out to start a conversation with your chosen specialist.

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Online store setup

Reach more customers by bringing your business online.

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Drive more sales through proven SEO, social media and sales initiatives.

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Branding and web design

Customize or redesign your website to reflect your brand accurately.

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Custom development

Personalize your business with made-to-order apps and integrations through Square APIs.

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How it works

((1)) Submit a project.

Complete a simple form to connect with the specialist best suited for your needs.

((2)) Partner up.

Chat with your specialist and agree on the deliverables, price and timeline.

((3)) See impactful growth.

Unlock your business’s full potential with your specialist.

Partner Offers

Square Partner Offers

As a Square seller, you’ll get exclusive, Square-vetted partner offers on products and services to enhance your business activities outside of Square.

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Enhance your Square setup.

Get your business running and primed for growth with supplemental partner products.

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Access exclusive savings.

As a Square seller, you’ll save on products and services needed to run your business.

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Get time and energy back.

Solve your business challenges faster with one of our verified partners.

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How it works

((1)) Browse directory.

Select the partner most relevant to your business needs.

((2)) Review partner.

Read the partner details and decide whether they’re right for you.

((3)) Sign up.

Follow the partner’s sign-up process and start growing your business.

Not sure which of these partner solutions is right for you?