
On-Demand Delivery with Square Online FAQ

Square has made delivering orders locally simple and easy for your business with Square Online and on-demand delivery. In this article, get answers to the most common questions related to fees, orders, payments and more.

About On-Demand Delivery

Who is the service provider for On-Demand Delivery?

On-Demand Delivery orders are fulfilled by DoorDash.

Do I need to list my business on the service provider’s app?

No, you don’t have to set up your business on their app.

Do I need to sign a separate contract with the service provider?

No, there isn’t a separate contract to sign. You can edit your delivery settings or disable On-Demand Delivery at any time.

By agreeing to use our services, you also agree to the DoorDash Terms of Service.

What is my onboarding status for On-Demand Delivery?

If you have questions about your onboarding status with an On-Demand Delivery service provider, you may follow up with them directly.

Email DoorDash at merchant-drive-support@doordash.com.

Can I have age restricted items like alcohol delivered with On-Demand Delivery?

If you’re selling physical items or food and beverage items, you may sell alcohol with Square Online if permitted by law in your area. Learn more about selling alcohol with Square Online for additional details specific to On-Demand Delivery.

Note: In order to view On-Demand Delivery orders for alcohol on Square POS, you must update to the latest version of the POS app.

Can I have age restricted items like tobacco and CBD delivered with On-Demand Delivery?

We don’t currently support age verification for tobacco and CBD products.


What are the fees for On-Demand Delivery and how are they calculated?

Square charges a $1.50 + tax dispatch fee to your business for orders placed through On-Demand Delivery.

The DoorDash delivery fee is $8.50 + tax.

Do I pay processing fees on delivery charges?

Yes, you’ll still be charged a processing fee of 2.9% + 30¢ per transaction for Square Online purchases (2.6% + 30¢ per transaction if on the Premium plan).

How are fees handled if an On-Demand Delivery order is cancelled?

If a delivery order is cancelled before the courier is dispatched to your location, there is no cancellation fee. The entire amount will be refunded to the customer.

If a delivery order is cancelled after the courier has picked up the order from your location, the service provider won’t refund the calculated delivery fee for that order. If you refund the order in full to the buyer, you’ll still be responsible for the delivery fee.

Order Management

How should I prepare my business for an On-Demand Delivery order?

Here are some tips for setting up your business for success with On-Demand Delivery:

  • Have the items ready for pickup, as delays are much more likely to result in a late delivery.
  • Have a designated pickup area where the service provider can easily locate the order. This will help reduce disruption to your in-store business.
  • Label all orders and ensure the courier is picking up the correct one.
  • Include pickup and dropoff instructions.

Can I manage orders on my Square POS?

Note: Update your POS to version 5.91 or later to use this feature.

You can manage On-Demand Delivery orders on Square POS. To start:

  1. From your POS navigation bar, go directly to Orders or tap ≡ More > Orders.
  2. Select an On-Demand Delivery order.
  3. Under “Courier status”, tap View.

In this view, you can see what courier is fulfilling the order, view the courier’s location on a map, and view the phone support number for the courier company. You can also view a log of delivery updates from the courier showing the date and time a certain action was completed (e.g. when an order was picked up from your location, when it was delivered to the customer, etc.).

Learn more about getting started with orders in Square POS and managing online orders with Square.

Can I manage orders with the service provider directly?

For the most streamlined experience, it’s best you manage your On-Demand Delivery orders in your Square account in the Order Manager; however, you do have additional options.


About the Drive Portal

  • You can find the DoorDash Drive Portal at doordash.com/drive. The Drive Portal can help you manage your Drive account, including managing your orders and reviewing your order history. The Drive Portal is separate from the DoorDash merchant portal.

  • To rate your Dashers, you can open the applicable order delivery in your Drive Portal’s order history.

Drive Portal troubleshooting

  • If you’re having trouble accessing the Drive Portal, you may be logged into another DoorDash merchant account that isn’t associated with Drive. Try navigating to doordash.com and refreshing the Drive Portal page.
  • If you have an email address and password from DoorDash, but you don’t see where to log in when you go to doordash.com/drive, it’s due to the DoorDash cookies placed on your browser from the DoorDash merchant portal. To resolve, delete the DoorDash cookie from your browser and go back to doordash.com/drive. You should now see the standard DoorDash Drive login page.
  • Alternatively, you can access the Drive Portal from an incognito window in your browser.
  • If you’re still experiencing issues logging in to the Drive Portal, feel free to reach out to merchant-drive-support@doordash.com.

Order tracking for your customers

  • Your customers can easily track order deliveries on their smartphones, which helps reduce Dasher wait times upon arriving. DoorDash can disable these notifications at the business level. Notify your Partner Manager to have them disabled.

What should I do if a courier cancels an order?

When a courier cancels their participation in an On-Demand Delivery order, a new courier will be automatically dispatched. This can sometimes occur in the event that they have too many deliveries and the order wasn’t ready for pickup when the courier arrived.

What do I do if my customer wants the order delivered at a later time?

You can enable scheduling for On-Demand Delivery orders in Square Online by setting up the scheduling to be automatic. If you’d like to set up scheduling manually for local delivery, you have the option of using In-House Delivery instead.

Schedule automatically:

You can automatically assign a local delivery time at checkout so your customers can schedule their On-Demand Delivery orders for a future date and time. The provided ETA will also let them know when they should expect their order to arrive. To enable scheduling with an ETA for On-Demand Delivery orders:

  1. From your Account & Settings page, go to Fulfilment > Pickup & Delivery.
  2. Select Edit by the location you want to set up scheduling for.
  3. Go to the Delivery tab.
  4. Toggle on Allow customers to schedule delivery orders and enter a maximum number of days that orders can be scheduled in advance.
  5. Complete all other settings and select Save when finished.

With scheduling turned on, customers will be able to choose a delivery date and time during checkout up to the number of days you enter (between seven and 30 days in the future). If the order contains an alcoholic item, the order can only be scheduled up to six days in the future. The available dates and times are based on your business hours, and the settings for prep time, delivery estimate and order limiting.

Schedule manually:

Unlike In-House Delivery, automatic delivery times cannot be turned off for On-Demand Delivery. On-Demand Delivery couriers must be scheduled at the point of checkout, which requires an accurate estimate of courier pickup and drop-off times.


Who gets the tip when customers pay for an order?

100% of the tip amount provided by the customer at checkout is passed to the courier.


Who do I contact to get more information on when the courier will arrive?

You can contact the service provider to request more information on when the courier will arrive, and/or request a re-dispatch.

  • Call DoorDash at 1 (855) 599-7066 for support in English.
  • Call DoorDash at 1 (855) 643-8439 for support in French

Be sure to state that it’s a DoorDash Drive Delivery, and provide the Store Name, Customer Name, Customer Phone Number and Delivery ID.

Who do I contact if a courier never picks up a delivery?

In the event that no courier arrives to pick up the order, contact the service provider to request a re-dispatch.

  • Call DoorDash at 1 (855) 599-7066 for support in English.
  • Call DoorDash at 1 (855) 643-8439 for support in French

Be sure to state that it’s a DoorDash Drive Delivery, and provide the Store Name, Customer Name, Customer Phone Number and Delivery ID.

Who do I contact if an order was picked up, but my customer has an issue with the delivery of the order?

If there’s an issue after the order is picked up or with the order delivery, you can escalate the issue to the service provider.

  • Call DoorDash at 1 (855) 599-7066 for support in English.
  • Call DoorDash at 1 (855) 643-8439 for support in French

Be sure to state that it’s a DoorDash Drive Delivery, and provide the Store Name, Customer Name, Customer Phone Number and Delivery ID.

Who do I contact to request a refund from an On-Demand Delivery service provider?

You can request a refund directly from the On-Demand Delivery service provider.

Email DoorDash at merchant-drive-support@doordash.com.

Note: If an appeal with the On-Demand Delivery service provider is successful, the disputed amount will be credited back to your Square account within 45 days.

Who do I contact to report a driver issue?

You can report a driver directly with the delivery service provider.

Email DoorDash at merchant-drive-support@doordash.com.

Can my customers contact the courier directly?

Yes, your customers have the ability to contact the courier directly via the phone number listed on their receipt.

Note: Customers must call from the phone number they listed on their order.

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