
Get restaurant performance reports on Square Dashboard

Who is this article for?
  • Account owners or team members with the reports permission to view detailed sales reporting. Set permissions in Square Dashboard.
  • Square for Restaurants Plus or Premium subscribers can run a section sales report.
  • Square KDS subscribers can run a kitchen performance report.
  • The Section sales and Category rollup reports require a Square for Restaurants Plus or Premium subscription, and the Kitchen Performance report requires a subscription to Square KDS.

    Before you begin

    As a Square for Restaurants seller, you have access to restaurant-specific reporting and standard Square reporting in your Square Dashboard to help you analyze your restaurant performance over time. Reports on Square Dashboard that are unique to Square for Restaurants include Section Sales and Kitchen Performance. 

    This article covers how to get four critical restaurant reports on Square Dashboard. To learn more about other Square reports available to you, go to Set up analytics and reporting.

    Open section sales report

    Section sales reporting allows you to track the sales for different areas of your restaurant’s floor plan. For example, you can compare the sales from your bar to the sales from your outdoor patio. To view section sales, you must have created the table mapping for your restaurant. If you haven’t set up your sections yet, learn how to create your table map

    • Open your Square Dashboard and click Reporting > Reports > Section sales.

    • Choose an available date range.

    • Apply any relevant filters to your reports.

    • To export your report as a CSV file, click Export.

    Open kitchen performance report

    Kitchen performance reporting shows your completed ticket count and average completed ticket time across all devices and locations. Your kitchen performance report only tracks tickets sent to your Square Kitchen Displays. Items and tickets sent to printers are not tracked.

    • Open your Square Dashboard and click Reporting > Reports > Kitchen performance.

    • Choose an available date range and timeframe.

    View category rollups in the category sales report

    Category rollups allow you to group and view the sales reporting for multiple item categories at once. For example, if you have three item categories of “Beer,” “Wine” and “Cocktails,” you can create one category rollup of “Alcoholic Beverages” to track their performance as a group.

    Before viewing your category rollups, you’ll need to create a category rollup report.

    • Open your Square Dashboard and click Reporting > Reports > Category sales.

    • From the toolbar, click View Categories > Manage Category Rollups > Create Category Rollup.

    • Enter a name for your category rollup, then select the relevant categories from your item library.

    • Click Create a Category Rollup > Done.

    Once you create your category rollups, you can access them as a filter view in the Square Dashboard.

    • Open your Square Dashboard and click Reporting > Reports > Category sales.

    • Choose an available date range and apply relevant filters to your report.

    • From the toolbar, click View Categories and change the filter selection to View Category Rollups.

    • To export your report as a CSV file, click Export.

    Next Steps

    Learn more about real-time reporting with Square for Restaurants: