
Customize Square Receipts

Square Dashboard

Take payments with Square Virtual Terminal, manage your inventory, create customer promotions, book appointments, and more.

You can customize the appearance of your customer-facing receipts from your online Square Dashboard. If you have multiple locations, you can customize your receipt appearance for each location.

To do so from your online Square Dashboard:

  1. Go to Account & Settings.

  2. Click Business information > Receipt.

Note: The appearance of digital receipts is managed from this page. Descriptive receipts help customers recognize purchases and prevent disputed payments.

Customization Options

Option Description Digital Receipts Printed Receipts Invoices
Logo Select a unique graphic that embodies your business.
Brand Colour Select a colour that best represents your business.
Item Information Include item descriptions to help customers remember purchases.
Business Location Help customers remember where a purchase was made by including your business address.
Contact Information Add your phone number and website URL.
Return Policy Add your refund, exchange or cancellation policy.
Custom Text Enter custom messaging to include announcements or special promotions.

Important to note about business locations

  • From your Account Settings on your online online Square Dashboard or Square POS app, you can update your business and location business name. Your Business Name and Locations Business Name should not change often and can only be update three times. Depending on the name change you are making, your account will be subject to review.

  • Maps of business location will not show on receipts from manually entered payments.

Receipt Logo Tips

  • Your logo should be at least 200 pixels wide and 200 pixels tall. If you choose a full logo, it should be at least 1,280 pixels wide and 648 pixels tall to view in high resolution.

  • The maximum size of the printed logo is 400 pixels wide and 200 pixels tall.

  • Framed logos work everywhere in Square. Full-width logos can be displayed in large canvases like the header of a receipt.

  • A printed receipt logo should be formatted as strictly black and white, without any colour or shades of grey.

  • The logo image displayed in your Dashboard will look similar to your printed logo.

  • You can customize your receipt logo for each business location in the Locations tab of your online Square dashboard.

Set Receipt Language

You can also control your customer communication language from your Square Dashboard. To choose the language:

  1. Go to Settings > Account & Settings > Business information > Locations.

  2. Click the location you want to edit.

  3. Scroll to Preferred Language option for Receipt.

  4. Select the desired language and click Save.

Update Your Reply-To Email Address

When a buyer replies to an invoice or estimate email, make sure the message is sent to your preferred email address. To change your email address from your online Square Dashboard:

  1. Go to Account & Settings > Business information > Locations.

  2. Click the location you want to edit.

  3. Under Contact Information, update your preferred email address for that location. You can also add your social media channels here.

  4. Click Save.

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