Manage records for Square Online domains
About DNS records, nameservers and MX records
Domain records, such as DNS and MX records, are important for making sure your website and email address are working properly.
Changing your nameservers causes your website and any email service connected to your domain to go offline, and your DNS records will need to be reconfigured with your new host. If you want to build a website with another host but continue managing your domain through Square (and avoid interruptions to services), ask your new host for instructions on pointing your A records or CNAME records instead of your nameservers. Any changes to DNS records can take 24-48 hours to fully propagate.
DNS records and nameservers are necessary for making sure your domain is connected to your website. MX records are needed to make sure you receive emails to an email address created from your domain. For example, if your domain is ‘’, then you need MX records added to your domain to make sure you receive emails sent to your address of ‘’.
Before you begin
If your website is hosted at Square using Square Online, then the DNS records (which are of a specific type known as ‘A records’) and nameservers are automatically set up for you. You don’t need to edit them.
If you decide to host your website elsewhere, you’ll likely receive instructions on which records to change from your host. Your new host should provide you with either nameservers, an IP address for use with A records or CNAME records.
If you purchased your domain name and Google Workspace email from Square for Square Online, then we automatically create the MX records for your Google Workspace email address. You won’t need to do anything further. If you purchased your domain name elsewhere and are using Google Workspace email, you’ll need to manually create your MX records through your domain registrar.
You can manage your DNS records, nameservers and MX records from your Square Dashboard.
Manage your DNS records
You can manage your Square Online domain’s DNS records from your Square Dashboard.
Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Online > Domains.
Under the domain you want to work with, select Manage > Manage domain.
Under DNS Records, select Add DNS record to add new ones or select Edit by an existing DNS record to edit or delete it.
Modify your DNS records as necessary and select Save when finished.
If the domain you’re referencing is hosted elsewhere, contact your current domain host with any DNS questions.
Set up nameservers
You can set up or manage your Square Online domain’s nameservers from your Square Dashboard.
Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Online > Domains.
For the domain you want to work with, select Manage > Manage domain.
For Nameservers, select Edit nameserver.
Modify your nameservers as necessary and select Save when finished.
If you ever need to reset your nameservers to default settings for Square, use the following values:
Set up MX records
You can set up or manage your Square Online domain’s MX records from your Square Dashboard.
Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Online > Domains.
For the domain you want to work with, select Manage > Manage domain.
For MX Records, select Add MX records to add new ones or select Edit by an existing MX record to edit or delete it.
Modify your MX records as necessary and select Save when finished.
If you need additional help, reach out to Google Workspace Admin Help.
If you ever need to reset your MX records to default settings for Google Workspace, use these Google Workspace MX record values.