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Create, view, and delete packages with Square Appointments

Who is this article for?
  • Sellers with general items permissions. Set permissions in the Square Dashboard.
  • Square Appointment Plus and Premium subscribers.
  • About packages

    A package is a prepaid series of services or classes that can be redeemed by your customers. For example, you could sell a package of five gym classes for a fixed price. When a customer books one of the included services or classes, Square will automatically apply the full value of that booking at checkout.

    Before you begin

    • Packages can be created only via the Square Dashboard.

    • You can view, edit, and delete your packages from your Square Dashboard. 

    • Once a package is created, you cannot edit what is included in the package, such as quantity, included services & classes, or the package expiration date. If you want to change an existing package, you will need to create a new one.

    The initial sale of a package is not subject to commission calculations for either services or Items, which means commissions are neither calculated nor paid out to staff on the initial sale of a package to a customer. You can adjust your commissions settings to calculate commission for packages. Learn how to set up and manage commissions.

    Create Packages

    1. From your Square Dashboard, then go to Appointments >  Library, then click Packages > Create package.

    2. From the Create package screen, add in package details such as the package name and description.

    3. In What’s included select which services and classes should be included. If there are multiple variations for a service, only select the variations you want included in the package. 

    4. Click Save

    Package expiration date cannot be farther out than one year from purchase. 

    View and edit packages

    View and edit existing packages

    1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard, then go to Items > Packages.
    2. Click on any package to enter the View package screen.

    You can edit most attributes of a package. Changes will apply to packages purchased in the past and those going forward. Changes to price will only apply to future sales.

    View and edit sold packages

    1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard, then go to Customer directory > Directory.
    2. Click on a customer to view their packages.
    3. Navigate to Packages from the customer profile.
    4. Click > View history to view when the package was purchased, each booking where the package was redeemed, as well as any manual edits made to the remaining quantity and expiration date of the package.
    5. Click > Edit what’s included to manually increase or decrease the quantity remaining. Click Extend expiration date to move out the package’s expiration date.

    From the customer profile, you can only view a customer’s purchased packages, their expiration date, and any credits remaining. You cannot view history or edit what’s included, or edit the expiration date.

    Delete packages

    1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard, then go to Items > Packages.

    2. Click on any package to enter the View package screen.

    3. Click Actions from the View package screen.

    4. Tap Delete.

    5. Tap Delete package to confirm your changes.

    When a package is deleted, customers who have purchased the package will be able to continue to use the package per all of its original details and restrictions.

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