Create and edit item modifiers
About item modifiers
Item modifiers are customisable options for your items (toppings, add-ons, or special requests) that can be applied at checkout. You can also set requirements for how many modifiers can be selected at checkout. For example, you can create a modifier set of sandwich toppings, and restrict it so that maximum three toppings can be selected.
Modifiers applied to items will display on your customer receipts, in your item library, and in the item details report.
Before you begin
You have two options for creating item modifier sets:
From the Square Dashboard on a laptop or desktop computer
From the Square Point of Sale apps
Make sure you’ve created at least one item in your item library before assigning an item modifier to an item. Learn more about how to create and edit items.
Step 1. Create and edit item modifiers
- Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Items & services (or Items & menus or Items & inventory) > Items > Modifiers.
- Click Create a modifier or select an existing modifier to edit.
- Enter the Modifier name, the Display name and choose the Modifier type (Text modifiers are only available on Square Online).
- Click on the New Modifier field and enter the modifier details – including your modifier name, price and stock status. Add more modifiers if necessary.
- To have modifier operators appear when view your modifier set on your Square Restaurant POS app, toggle Use Conversational Modifiers on POS on
- Click Save.
Click the X icon next to a modifier to delete it. Move the modifiers’ order list using the ≡ three horizontal lines icon.
- Open your Point of Sale app and tap ≡ More > Items > Modifiers.
- Tap Create modifier set or select an existing modifier to edit.
- Tap Name and enter your modifier’s name.
- Tap on the New Modifier field within the Modifiers section and enter the modifier details – including your modifier name and price. Add more modifiers if necessary.
- Tap Save.
Click the X icon next to a modifier to delete it. Move the modifiers’ order list using the ≡ three horizontal lines icon.
Step 2. Add a modifier set to items
To add item modifiers to a single item:
- Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Items & services (or Items & menus or Items & inventory) > Items > Modifiers.
- Select an existing item or Create item.
- Click Add within the Modifiers section.
- Select a modifier (or several of them) from the list > click Done.
- Click Save.
To add item modifiers to multiple items
- Sign in to your Square Dashboard and go to Modifiers.
- Click on Apply to items next to the relevant modifier.
- Select the items you want to apply the modifier to.
- Click Apply to Items.
Step 3. Set modifier requirements for order entry (optional)
Once you have created a modifier set, you can add restrictions or requirements for the amount of modifiers that can be selected at checkout.
Sign in to your Square Dashboard and go to Item library.
Select an item from the list.
Under Modifiers, click (•••) next to the relevant modifier set.
Click Customise.
Set your modifier requirements by adjusting the number of Required Modifiers and Maximum Modifiers.
Click Done.
Remove a modifier set from items
Once you’ve assigned a modifier set to an item, you can remove the modifier set assigned to this item at any time.
To remove item modifiers from a single item:
- Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Items & services (or Items & menus or Items & inventory) > Items.
- Click on the selected item from the list.
- Click (•••) next to your modifier set within the Modifiers section.
- Click Remove from item.
- Click Save.
To remove item modifiers from multiple items:
- Sign in to your Square Dashboard and go to Modifiers.
- Click Apply to items next to the relevant modifier.
- Untick the items you want to remove the modifier from.
- Click Apply to Items.