
Accept Tips with the Square App

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Using the Square app, you’re able to customize your settings to accept tips electronically, or on a printed receipt. You’ll be able to view all tip amounts your payment history in-app.

Enable Tipping In-App

  1. From the navigation bar at the bottom of your screen, tap More.

  2. Tap Settings > Checkout > Tipping.

  3. Toggle Collect Tips to on and select showing your tip options on the signature screen.

  • If you opt not to display a Separate Tipping Screen, tipping options will be shown on the signature screen.

  • If you choose to display a Separate Tipping Screen, your customers can select a tip after the payment has processed.

Note: If Allow Custom Amounts is enabled and the preset amounts are all set to 0%, Square Point of Sale will hide these amounts and display only the Custom Tip Amount and No Tip options.

Enable Sign and Tip on Printed Receipts

From the Square app on iOS or Android devices, you can use sign and tip on printed receipts to allow your customers to add a tip and sign for purchases on paper receipts. Transactions must be settled with a final payment amount, including any added tip, within 36 hours.

Tipping Settings

Select between Smart Tip or Custom Tip amounts.

Smart Tip Amounts

When Smart Tip Amounts is turned on, tipping works as follows:

  • If a transaction is less than $10, the available tipping options are: No Tip, $1, $2 or $3.

  • For a transaction $10 or more, the available tipping options are: No Tip, 15%, 20% or 25%.

Custom Tip Amounts

Enabling percentage amounts allows you to set three custom amounts, which you can adjust at any time. To create custom tipping amounts:

  1. Tap Set Percentage Amounts within your tipping settings.

  2. Tap each amount field to enter your custom percentage.

  3. To allow your customers to enter a tip amount of their choosing, toggle Allow Custom Amounts to on.

Note: Setting your fixed percentage amounts to 0% will only give your customers the ability to enter a custom tip amount.

Tip Calculation

You’ll need to select if you would like your tips to be added before or after your taxes have been applied to the sale.

Tipping and Other Square Products

Learn more about accepting tips and other checkout options for your Square Online site and Square Payment Links.