
Product Images

Product images are a key element of a successful eCommerce site. Customers can’t physically interact with items in your online store, so having a good visual reference can mean the difference between an abandoned cart and a completed purchase.

You can upload images when adding a new item or editing an existing one. From your dashboard, go to Items > Item Library and choose an item to edit or use the Add Item button to create a new one.

The following types of files are supported:


Note: Individual file size must not exceed 25 MB.


To add images, click on the image upload field on the right side of the edit item screen and choose a file from your computer. You can also drag an image file directly into this area to begin an upload.

Follow the same steps to upload any additional photos you want, then click Save when you’re finished – your photos will automatically show up on the live item page. Customers can click on an image to zoom in, and if you’ve added more than one image, they can use the thumbnails to switch views.

Need some tips on how to choose the best images? Here are answers to some of the most common questions:

Q: What size do my photos need to be?

A: In general, bigger is better (as long as the file size is less than 25 MB), but a good rule of thumb is to aim for a size of at least 1,000 pixels on the smallest side of the image. The image zoom feature on the item page won’t activate for images that have a width or height that’s less than about 700 pixels, so that’s something to keep in mind as well.

Q: What about image ratio?

A: Product image ratio really comes into play on your “Shop All” and category pages where items are displayed alongside each other in rows. The ratio setting in Store > Setup > General applies to all item photos, so consistency is more important than using a specific aspect ratio. Photos come in two shapes: square (1:1 ratio) and rectangular (2:3/3:4 and 3:2/4:3 - portrait and landscape modes, respectively). If you use a mix of these, you’ll likely end up with odd cropping and inconsistent results.

Q: Do I need a fancy camera, or can I use my phone or tablet to take photos of my products?

A: You can use your mobile device – most modern tablets and phones are equipped with a camera that can take decent photos – but there are a lot of variables involved, so your mileage may vary. If you want to take your online store to the next level, check out Photo Studio for professional photos at just $9.95 a product.

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