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Find Payroll History From Your Previous Provider

If you are switching payroll services midyear, Square Payroll requires an earnings report from you. The earnings report should include every paystub from this year for all current and former W-2 employees with the following details:

  • Pay date

  • Gross Pay

  • Federal Income taxes withheld

  • FICA/Social Security

  • Medicare

  • Any applicable state taxes

  • Any deductions (pretax, post-tax and garnishments) withheld from employees

For tax reporting purposes, a pay date is different from a check date. The check date is the date when your employee was paid, but the pay date is the date when federal and state tax payments were recorded. When providing your prior payroll reports, Square Payroll will need payroll information based on the pay date.

Additionally, several states require payroll reports to include the hours worked by your employees. If your business is located in Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington, Washington, D.C, or Vermont, please include the hours your employees have worked prior to coming to Square Payroll.

It is very important that previous payroll information is provided to Square Payroll when setting up your account. This information is required to help ensure accurate tax withholding and reporting for current and past employees. An employer can only issue one W-2 per employee per year, regardless of how many payroll providers you've had. You will need to upload this report to your payroll dashboard. If you need help locating this, you should be able to ask your prior provider for directions on how to pull this report, or you can contact us for further assistance.

If you have 1099 contractors in addition to W-2 employees, read more about transferring historical contractor payment information for accurate reporting on Form 1099-NEC.

If you are transitioning to Square Payroll from one of the providers below, review the steps to locate your employees’ earnings report.

Intuit Payroll, Quickbooks Online Payroll, and Quickbooks Desktop Payroll

To download your report from Intuit Payroll and Quickbooks Online Payroll:

  1. Sign in to your Intuit Payroll or Quickbooks Online Payroll account online.

  2. Click Reports.

  3. Under Employee Reports or Payroll, select Payroll Details.

  4. For the date range, select This Year.

  5. Under Employee, select All Employees.

  6. Click Update Report or Run Report.

  7. Each employees’ year-to-date gross pay is listed under the column Total Pay.

  8. To view this information in a spreadsheet and to save it for your records, click View in Excel or in the drop-down under Share, click Export to Excel. An Excel spreadsheet will download to your computer.

For additional details on navigating your Intuit Payroll or Quickbooks Online Payroll accounts, contact Intuit Support.

To download your report from Quickbooks Desktop Payroll:

  1. Start at Reports.

  2. Under Employee & Payroll, select select Summarize payroll data in Excel.

  3. Under Date, select Custom. For example, to retrieve a report to cover payroll for the prior tax year, select the date range of 1/1/2021 to 12/31/2021.

For more information, visit Intuit Support.

Once you download your report, review for the following:

  1. Find all current and former W-2 employees.

  2. Include every paystub from this year.

  3. Check for gross pay.

  4. Check for federal taxes (i.e. Federal Income Tax, Social Security, Medicare).

  5. Check for state taxes.

  6. Check for deductions (i.e. 401k, Medical).

RUN Payroll Powered by ADP

  1. Sign in to RUN Payroll.

  2. Hover over Reports in the top-center of the page.

  3. Under Payroll, select Earnings Record.

  4. In the top-left, set the year to the current year.

  5. In the “Check dates from:” field, select the date of this year’s first payroll.

  6. In the “to:” field, select the date of the last payroll completed.

  7. Select All in the Employee field, and click Refresh.

  8. Find each employees’ year-to-date gross pay (column: Gross, row: Employee Totals). Employees are listed in alphabetical order by last name.

If you have further questions about locating this information in your RUN Payroll account, visit ADP Support

Once you pull your report, review for the following:

  1. Find all current and former W-2 employees.

  2. Include every paystub from this year.

  3. Check for gross pay.

  4. Check for federal taxes (i.e. Federal Income Tax, Social Security, Medicare).

  5. Check for state taxes.

  6. Check for deductions (i.e. 401k, Medical).


  1. Sign in to your Paychex Payroll account.

  2. Click Paychex Flex on the left side of the page. 

  3. From here, click on Dashboard > Analytics & Reports > All Reports.

  4. Once All Reports is selected, click on Employee Earnings Records.

  5. Under Custom Options, find Select Employee(s) and click All Employees.

  6. Under the Choose Dates field, select Current Calendar Year.

  7. Under Report Totals, select Employee and Company and choose Show Summed Amounts.

  8. Run the report.

  9. Find each employees’ year-to-date gross pay.

For more information, visit Paychex Support.

Once you download your report, review for the following:

  1. Find all current and former W-2 employees.

  2. Include every paystub from this year.

  3. Check for gross pay.

  4. Check for federal taxes (i.e. Federal Income Tax, Social Security, Medicare).

  5. Check for state taxes.

  6. Check for deductions (i.e. 401k, Medical).


  1. Login to your Gusto payroll account.

  2. Click Reports on the left hand side of the page.

  3. Select Payroll Journal under Summary Reports.

  4. Confirm date range is set to Annually and select All Employees.

  5. Make sure the report group is by Employee and all checkboxes are checked.

  6. Click Generate Report.

  7. Once the report is loaded, click Download CSV from the top right page.

For more information, visit Gusto Support.


  1. Sign in to your SurePayroll account.

  2. Click Reports at the top of the page.

  3. Scroll to the left side of the Reports page and click on the Payroll Summary option beneath Payroll Reports.

  4. Select Current Calendar Year, and select your First Check Date in the current year, and then click Update Report.

  5. Click the XLS button on the right side to download the file.

  6. Repeat the steps for all other check dates.

For more information, visit SurePayroll Support.

Once you download your report, review for the following:

  1. Find all current and former W-2 employees.

  2. Include every paystub from this year.

  3. Check for gross pay.

  4. Check for federal taxes (i.e. Federal Income Tax, Social Security, Medicare).

  5. Check for state taxes.

  6. Check for deductions (i.e. 401k, Medical).

Heartland Payroll

  1. Sign in to your Heartland Payroll account.

  2. Click Reporting on the left hand side

  3. Scroll down and click on Date Range Reports.

  4. Under Date Range Reports Page, click Check History Detail.

  5. In the From date: field, select the date of this year’s first payroll.

  6. In the To date: field, select the date of the last payroll completed.

  7. Select Pay Date in the Date Type field.

  8. Select Excel or PDF as the format and click Run Report.

  9. Click the Download button on the top right to download the file.

For more information, visit Heartland Payroll Support.

Once you download your report, review for the following:

  1. Find all current and former W-2 employees.

  2. Include every paystub from this year.

  3. Check for gross pay.

  4. Check for federal taxes (i.e. Federal Income Tax, Social Security, Medicare).

  5. Check for state taxes.

  6. Check for deductions (i.e. 401k, Medical).

Toast Payroll

  1. Sign in to your Toast Payroll account.

  2. Navigate to Payroll > Past Payrolls > View

  3. Select the payroll dates.

  4. Verify the report type is Payroll Register Report.

Once you download your report, review for the following:

  • Find all current and former W-2 employees.

  • Include every paystub from this year.

  • Check for gross pay.

  • Check for federal taxes (i.e. Federal Income Tax, Social Security, Medicare).

  • Check for state taxes.

  • Check for deductions (i.e. 401k, Medical).

Accountant/Other Provider

If you are coming from an accountant, or another payroll service not listed in this article, please ask them to provide a report in either Excel or PDF that includes every paystub from this year for all current and former W-2 employees. You can download an Excel template to use to transfer this information These are the following details we'll need:

  • Pay date

  • Gross Pay

  • Federal Income taxes withheld

  • FICA/Social Security

  • Medicare

  • Any applicable state taxes

  • Any deductions (pretax, post-tax and garnishments) withheld from employees