
Item Import Spreadsheet Glossary

With Square's bulk import tool, you can download a new template or update your existing item catalogue using spreadsheets. Refer to the guide below to assist with bulk item management.

Note: Depending on which Square features you use, your spreadsheet may not contain all of these fields.

Spreadsheet fields, format, and descriptions

Field Description
Reference A unique value used to reference variations within the import/export file. Specifically, this field is used to associate stock by variations with their sell by variations during inventory import.
Token Your Square Dashboard will automatically populate this token. If you are importing a new item, leave this field blank, if you are editing items do not change the token.
Item Name Can include numbers, letters or symbols. Maximum 128 characters.
Variation Name Can include numbers, letters or symbols. Maximum 128 characters.
Unit and Precision Unit type and precision (decimal places).
SKU Each variation should be assigned a unique SKU.
Description Can include numbers, letters or symbols. Maximum 1024 characters.
Category Can include numbers, letters or symbols. Maximum 128 characters.
SEO Title Item title to be displayed in search results. Will default to Item Name if left blank.
SEO Description Item description to be displayed in search results. Will default to Item Description if left blank.
Permalink A search engine friendly link for Items. Will default to Item Name if left blank.
Square Online Item Visibility Accepted values are “Visible”, “Hidden”, or “Unavailable.”
Weight Numeric. Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 10,000,000.
Shipping enabled A Yes (Y) or No (N) value indicating whether shipping fulfillment is enabled for the item.
QR code ordering enabled A Yes (Y) or No (N) value indicating whether QR code ordering fulfillment is enabled for the item.
Delivery enabled A Yes (Y) or No (N) value indicating whether Delivery fulfillment is enabled for the item.
Pickup enabled A Yes (Y) or No (N) value indicating whether Pickup fulfillment is enabled for the item.
Price Numeric. Must be $0.00 or greater (a fixed price needs to be a positive number). You can also leave blank or write in “Variable” to indicate a variable price.
Archived A Yes (Y) or No (N) value indicating whether this item variation has been archived. Archiving will hide the item variation from the default views in the Item Library.
Option Name 1/2 Can include numbers, letters or symbols. Maximum 128 characters.
Option Value 1/2 Can include numbers, letters or symbols. Maximum 128 characters.
Enabled [Your location name] Yes or No. This will set your item as visible in individual locations. If you only have one location and see this column, make sure all items are set to Yes. If you have more than one location, they will appear in the spreadsheet if location filters are not applied.
Current Quantity [Your location name] Numeric. If you are using Inventory Management this is the current quantity of this item defined as in stock. Changes to this field are ignored on import.
New Quantity [Your location name] Numeric. If you are using Inventory Management, enter your current stock count here. This count will replace any existing stock count. You can also write in “No” to disable stock tracking for this item variation.
Stock Alert Enabled [Your location name] If you are using Inventory Management, you can set Yes or No to turn on items for inventory alerts.
Stock Alert Count [Your location name] Numeric. If you are using Inventory Management and have alerts enabled, this is the quantity at which you will be alerted.
Price [Your location name] Numeric.
Modifier Set [Your modifier set] A Yes (Y) or No (N) value indicating if the Modifier Set should be applied to the item.
Tax [Your tax setting] If you have created a tax, set it to Yes (Y) or No (N) to apply that to the item. There can be multiple columns for tax.

Square for Retail template fields

If you’re subscribed to Square for Retail Plus, you can access additional fields in your template to help make inventory management a seamless experience.

GTIN A Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) is a unique and internationally recognised identifier for a product composed of up to 14 digits
Sellable Y or N. Item variations – such as components or ingredients – can be marked as sellable or non-sellable.
Stockable Y or N. Choose to track inventory for items using a unit that differs from the unit they’re sold by.
Auto Add Item to Bill Y or N. This controls whether you would like to be prompted to add modifiers or choose variations when the item is added to a cart/tab.
Default Unit Cost Numeric. This is the default cost that will be entered into any cost lots when receiving this item. You will have the option to override this when receiving on the POS or Dashboard.
Default Vendor Code Can include numbers, letters or symbols. Maximum 128 characters. This indicates the item identifier within the vendor’s catalog.

If you have trouble importing your item library, you may be experiencing an issue with your Excel (XLSX) or Comma Separated Value (CSV) spreadsheet. Learn how to troubleshoot your item library file.

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