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Reclaim Your Time: Your guide to reducing admin

Square and American Express talked to restaurant owners across the UK to find out their biggest issues and how to solve them. Want to know what they learned? 

Here’s what you’ll learn:

Why you should be using data to support your business decisions

Which tasks you can and should be automating

How to use insights to optimise your business

How to save time training and managing your staff 

Image of Amex white paper PDF

Want to take your restaurant even further?

Boost your business with Square and American Express

Take payments with Square, and get a single flat processing rate for American Express, Visa, and Mastercard. Plus, by accepting American Express you could increase your revenue.

94% of businesses surveyed agree that accepting American Express helped boost their bottom line.

Stand out with free marketing

Take advantage of free signage and marketing materials that let your customers know that you use Square to take American Express.

74% of businesses surveyed agree that accepting American Express is a brand differentiator.