Chargeback 101: Credit and Debit Card Chargebacks Explained

Disputes with customers are never fun. This is especially true when it comes to chargebacks. Below, we’ll walk through the basics of the chargebacks process, what usually causes them and the steps you can take to prevent chargebacks from happening.

In this article:

What is a chargeback?

A chargeback happens when a customer disputes a charge from your business and asks the card issuer to reverse it. Card chargebacks protect consumers from unauthorised transactions but can be a major headache for businesses.

When a chargeback occurs, the disputed funds are held from the business until the card issuer resolves the issue. This process can be complicated and time-consuming, often involving significant paperwork and documentation. (Unless you work with a payment service provider like Square—more on that later.)

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The chargeback process explained

The chargeback process can differ between payment processors and usually takes 120 days to resolve. At Square, we use machine-learning models to predict and stop many fraudulent transactions before they happen. We also inform you of your chargeback status via convenient in-app alerts in your Square Dashboard.

Step 1: A purchase occurs

All chargebacks start with a customer purchasing in person, in-app, or online.

Step 2: Customer initiates the chargeback

After reviewing their credit card statement, customers may notice a charge they didn’t authorise and contact their credit/debit card company (the issuing bank) to investigate the charge.

Step 3: Issuing bank reaches out to the merchant’s bank

The customer’s bank contacts the merchant’s bank, asking them to provide proof that the customer purchased goods or services. This can include invoices, receipts, proof of delivery, or other evidence that the purchase was valid.

Step 4: Decision time

The cardholder’s bank reviews the proof provided and decides whether the purchase was valid.

Step 5: Customer is informed

The customer is informed of the bank’s decision. The customer must pay for the goods if the purchase was deemed valid. If invalid, the cardholder receives a refund, or the dispute can move to arbitration.

Common causes of chargebacks

Fraudulent transactions

Fraudulent transactions can lead to chargebacks if someone sees a charge they didn’t authorise. To protect your business, it’s a good idea to have an electronic point of sale (EPOS) that accepts chip and PIN cards and contactless payments like Apple Pay. Irish retailers have been able to enjoy the security advantages of chip and PIN since spring 2005. Small businesses getting off the ground should also have a chip and PIN reader as part of their business essentials.

Shipping problems
If a customer never receives an item, it could result in a chargeback. Ensure you have a streamlined delivery system with tracking numbers.

Technical problems
Website issues or user errors during checkout can result in unintended charges. Integrate a reputable POS and e-commerce system with an easy-to-navigate checkout process.

Credit not processed
Customers may issue a chargeback if they don’t see a refund in their bank account promptly after a return. Have a reliable system for handling returns and credits, and clearly state your return policy.

Problems with items
Chargebacks can occur if customers are dissatisfied with a product or service. Ensure high-quality standards and clearly describe your items.

Unrecognisable business name
Billing clients with an unrecognisable business name can lead to chargebacks. Ensure your business name is clear and consistent.

How Square handles payment disputes

Square handles disputes differently than other processors, making the process as simple as possible for you.

Step 1: Notification

We notify you of the dispute.

Step 2: Decision

You decide whether to accept or challenge the dispute by sending us the necessary documentation.

Step 3: Resolution

The bank determines whether the purchase was legitimate. If in your favour, the transaction stands. If it is in the customer’s favour, you will need to pay the fee.

How to prevent chargebacks?

While there’s no guaranteed way to prevent chargebacks, you can take steps to minimise them:

  • Keep proof of all credit and debit card orders.
  • Have a clear return policy.
  • Use a recognisable business name on card statements.
  • Require a signature upon delivery.
  • Train employees on best practices for transactions.
  • Use a payment gateway that verifies the AVS on file for the card.
  • Accurately describe items.
  • Respond promptly to customer service issues.

If you receive a chargeback, respond promptly to your bank or payment processor.

Chargeback FAQ

What’s the difference between chargebacks and refunds?

The merchant initiates a refund to repay a dissatisfied customer. A customer initiates a chargeback for a fraudulent transaction, reversing the transaction. In a chargeback, the transaction is reversed, and the merchant’s bank returns funds to the customer.

What is a chargeback fee?

A chargeback fee is an additional fee your credit card processing company may charge if you are found at fault for a chargeback. Many payment processing companies may entirely disallow you from accepting credit cards if you have an unusual amount of chargebacks on your account.

Is there a chargeback time limit?

Most acquiring banks set a timeframe for initiating a chargeback, usually 120 days from the issue date.

Are debit card chargebacks handled the same way?

Yes, debit card chargebacks are handled similarly to credit card chargebacks in Ireland.

How do I write a chargeback rebuttal letter?

Provide evidence such as receipts, proof of delivery, and proof of the item’s acceptability. Square can assist you in clearing the dispute and fighting against fraudulent claims.

If you believe a chargeback to be fraudulent, you will need to provide evidence that proves it. Proof you may wish to put forward for your case includes:

  • Receipts or invoices
  • Proof of delivery confirmation, particularly with signatures
  • Proof that the item was acceptable (the customer used the item, didn’t complain upon delivery, etc.)
  • The correct recording and delivery of the customer’s CVC or AVS

For more information on how to protect your business from friendly fraud and other types of fraud, read our article on security terms you should know.

Chargeback reason codes

For Visa
For Mastercards
For American Express

Chargeback Reason Codes List for Visa

Chargeback Code Chargeback Reason
10.1 EMV Liability Shift Counterfeit Fraud
10.2 EMV Liability Shift Non-Counterfeit Fraud
10.3 Other Fraud — Card Present Environment
10.4 Other Fraud — Card Absent Environment
10.5 Visa Fraud Monitoring Program
11.1 Card Recovery Bulletin
11.2 Declined Authorization
11.3 No Authorization
12.1 Late Presentment
12.2 Incorrect Transaction Code
12.3 Incorrect Currency
12.4 Incorrect Account Number
12.5 Incorrect Amount
12.6 Duplicate Processing/Paid by Other Means
12.7 Invalid Data
13.1 Merchandise/Services Not Received
13.2 Cancelled Recurring
13.3 Not as Described or Defective Merchandise/Services
13.4 Counterfeit Merchandise
13.5 Misrepresentation
13.6 Credit Not Processed
13.7 Cancelled Merchandise/Services
13.8 Original Credit Transaction Not Accepted
13.9 Non-Receipt of Cash or Load Transaction Value

Detailed chargeback reason codes list for Mastercard

Mastercard chargeback codes fall into four categories:

  • Authorization
  • Cardholder disputes
  • Fraud
  • Point-of-interaction error

Chargeback Reason Codes List for Mastercard

Chargeback Code Chargeback Reason
4801 Requested Transaction Data Not Received
4802 Requested / Required Information Illegible or Missing
4807 Warning Bulletin File
4808 Requested / Required Authorization Not Obtained
4812 Account Number Not on File
4831 Transaction Amount Differs
4834 Duplicate Processing
4835 Card Not Valid or Expired
4837 No Cardholder Authorization
4840 Fraudulent Processing of Transaction
4841 Cancelled Recurring Transaction
4842 Late Presentment
4846 Correct Transaction Currency Code Not Provided
4847 Requested / Required Authorization Not Obtained and Fraudulent Transaction
4849 Questionable Merchant Activity
4850 Credit Posted as Purchase
4853 Cardholder Dispute – Defective / Not as Described
4854 Cardholder Dispute – Not Elsewhere Classified (U.S. Region Only)
4855 Non-receipt of Merchandise
4857 Card-Activated Telephone Transaction
4859 Services Not Rendered
4860 Credit Not Processed
4862 Counterfeit Transaction Magnetic Stripe POS Fraud
4863 Cardholder Does Not Recognize — Potential Fraud
4870 Chip Liability Shift
4871 Chip / PIN Liability Shift

Chargeback Reason Codes List for American Express

Chargeback Code Authorization Errors
A01 Charge Amount Exceeds Authorization Amount
A02 No Valid Authorization
A08 Authorization Approval Expired
Chargeback Code Type: Fraud
F10* Missing Imprint
F14* Missing Signature
F22 Expired or Not Yet Valid Card
F24* No Card Member Authorization
F29 Card Not Present
Chargeback Code Type: Card Member Dispute
C02 Credit (or Partial Credit) Not Processed
C04 Goods/Services Returned or Refused
C05 Goods/Services Cancelled
C08 Goods/Services Not Received
C14 Paid by Other Means
C18 “No Show” or Card Deposit Cancelled
C28 Cancelled Recurring Billing
C31 Goods/Services Not as Described
C32 Goods/Services Damaged or Defective
M10 Vehicle Rental - Capital Damages
M49 Vehicle Rental - Theft or Loss of Use
Chargeback Code Type: Processing Error
P01 Unassigned Card Number
P03 Credit Processed as Charge
P04 Charge Processed as Credit
P05 Incorrect Charge Amount
P07 Late Submission
P08 Duplicate Charge
P22 Nonmatching Card Number
P23 Currency Discrepancy
Chargeback Code Type: Inquiry Related Chargeback
R03* Insufficient Reply
R13* No Reply
M01* Chargeback Authorization
Code Type: Chargeback Programs
FR2 Fraud Full Recourse Program
FR4 Immediate Chargeback Program
FR6 Partial Immediate Chargeback Program

*These American Express chargeback cordes require an inquiry first.