Square Payments

Square Secure protects your business so you can focus on your next sale.

We partner with you to protect your hard earned money.

Trustpilot Human ScoreTrustpilot Stars

We protect you from fraud.

Fraudulent purchases result in payment disputes, which means money out of the bank for you. At no additional cost, Square uses machine learning and human expertise to monitor your payments and keep an eye out for suspicious transactions. We automatically identify and adapt fraud patterns to fit your business for monitoring, and continuously adjust our algorithms to account for new trends in fraud.

With Square hardware, you can also accept EMV chip and PIN cards, which is one of the most effective ways to prevent fraud.

We fight for disputes on your behalf.

Most payment processors charge you a fee when your customer disputes a payment, but Square doesn’t. We take care of the time-consuming, stressful work of dealing with your customer’s bank for you.

We’re experts in disputes. We’re here to guide you through what you need to do for the best chance at winning your dispute.

We’ve saved Square sellers €273 million since 2011 by managing and winning disputes for them.

3 simple steps to manage disputes

1. Get notified of a dispute

When your customer initiates a dispute, we’ll contact you with next steps. You can also track your disputes in your Dashboard.

2. Submit supporting information

If you’d like to challenge the dispute, go to your Dashboard and provide any supporting evidence you may have about the transaction – receipts, invoices, email correspondence, proof of delivery or photos.

3. Receive bank’s decision

As soon as you’ve submitted additional information, we’ll send this information to the customer’s bank on your behalf. We’ll notify you of the ruling via email once we hear back from the bank.

All the ways we keep your business secure.

We keep your business compliant.

To keep your customers’ data safe, card companies require merchants to follow a series of security guidelines, called PCI compliance.

Square follows the highest level of compliance, which saves you the cost and effort of staying compliant each year. No expensive audits, assessments and non-compliance fees.

We provide secure payment products.

Security is engineered into Square hardware and software from the ground up. It’s all designed and maintained by Square so you don’t have to go through anybody else.

Payments are secure out of the box with no lengthy setup. All card-present payments are encrypted from end to end to protect your business against hackers. In-house teams also constantly monitor our server security.

We offer robust account protection tools.

We have many layers of defence designed to keep hackers out of our systems. However, it’s possible that they get hold of your password or email address if they’ve been compromised somewhere else online.

Square offers tools to enhance your security and monitor your login activity to block suspicious logins.

  • Set up 2-Step Verification for an additional layer of security to your account.
  • Control who has access to your account through employee permissions.
  • Get feedback from Square if your password isn’t strong enough.

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