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Vender alimentos y bebidas con Ventas en línea Square

If you’re selling food or beverages online, you can create an item that displays extra information for buyers, such as dietary preferences and allergens.

Add or Edit an Item


From your Square Online Overview page, go to Items > Item Library and click Add Items.

Select Prepared food and beverage from the dropdown menu, then enter a title and description for the item. Upload one or more photos, then scroll down to set the fulfillment method. If you’re offering in-store pickup, you can also set an individual prep time for this item. Obtener más información sobre cómo funciona la recolección.

Tip: You can also change the type of any existing item to Prepared food and beverage. Edit the item and click the item type button to change the type.

Add Optional Information


In the Nutritional information section, enter the calorie count for the item, then click on the Dietary preferences field to apply one or more of the following designations, if applicable:

  • Dairy-free

  • Gluten-free

  • Halal

  • Kosher

  • Nut-free

  • Vegan

  • Vegetarian

Use the “Contains the following” field to indicate whether the item contains specific ingredients, such as soy or crustaceans.

Set the Price, Variations, and Modifiers


You can set the item price in the Variations section. Click on “Regular” to change the name if you wish. If the item comes in different sizes, you can use the Add/Manage variations button to add more and set separate prices if you wish. Obtenga más información sobre las variantes de artículo en esta guía. If you want to offer customizable options for your buyers, like extra sauce or no tomatoes, you can use the Modifiers to include these. Consulte esta guía sobre modificadores para obtener más información.

Finish setting up your item by optionally placing it into a category and adding SEO info, then save.

Add a Featured Menu Items Section

Every item you create has its own page, but you can also add a section to any page to feature specific items.

Tip: If you’re selling food online, try out the Platilla de pedidos en línea for your website.

From your dashboard, go to Website > Edit Site. Choose or crear una página from the pages list, then click the Add section button. Select the Featured Menu Items section and click add to place it on the page. Obtenga más información sobre cómo agregar secciones aquí.


Use the Choose menu items button to select items to display in the section. You can adjust the following settings from the menu on the left:

Section title - The title text at the very top of the section. Use the toggle switch to turn it off, or change the font size, style, and formatting for the text.

Section description - The text below the title. Use the toggle switch to turn it off, or change the font size, style, and formatting for the text. You can customize both the title and description by selecting the text on the page and typing your own.

Images - Displays the image you added when creating the item. If you did not add any images, you can use the toggle to turn them off.

Item titles - This is the title you entered when creating the item. Use the options on the left to change the font size, style, and formatting for the text.

Item descriptions - The description text you entered when creating the item. Use the toggle to turn these off, or change the font size, style, and formatting for the text.

Prices - Displays the item price. You can toggle it off or change the font size, style, and text formatting.

Details lightbox - This is what buyers will see when they click on an item in the section. Clicking this on the left will open a preview window.

Action button - The button at the bottom of the section. You can turn this off or change the button size, style, or color. Click the button on the left to change where it links to. You can also customize the text by clicking selecting the button text on the page and typing.

Section style - Controls the layout and background of the section. Choose from one or two columns, and set the background to a color or a custom image.

When you’re finished editing the section, publish your site to make the changes live.