
Enable and configure preauthorization for bar tabs

Who is this article for?
Square for Restaurants Free, Plus, or Premium subscribers.

About preauthorization for bar tabs

Preauthorization gives you the ability to temporarily preauthorize a credit card for a set amount to ensure a customer's credit card is valid and able to pay for their bill when closing out their tab. Preauthorizations typically last around 36 hours, but may vary depending on the customer’s card network and issuing bank.

If a card is preauthorized through Square, customers may see 2-3 pending transactions depending on how their bank represents authorizations. Once the transaction is settled, any preauthorization charges will be consolidated into a single line item. This process can take up to 3-5 business days depending on the customer’s card network and issuing bank. If a customer runs into an issue with a long hold, they should reach out to their bank for additional support.

Learn more about Bar tabs and preauthorization for Square customers

Preauthorization for bar tabs has a few limitations:
  • Preauthorization for bar tabs does not guarantee a customer's card will be approved for their full balance if they leave without closing out their tab. The only amount guaranteed is the value of the preauthorization.
  • Bar Tabs is not currently supported with offline payments. Bar tabs can be edited while offline, but you cannot start or pay for a tab during an offline payments session.
  • Enable and configure a minimum preauthorization amount for each of your applicable locations. Preauthorization minimums can range from $1.01 to $250. 

    1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and select Device Management > Service Settings > Bar tabs pre-auth

    2. Select Pre-Authorization > Enable Pre-Authorization

    3. Set a Minimum pre-authorization amount.

    4. Select Enable

    Preauthorize a card

    You can preauthorize a card via the Checkout tab or the Orders tab on iOS devices, the Square Register and Square Terminal. Square will authorize the minimum preauthorization amount configured in your Square Dashboard or the value of items in the cart at the time of preauthorization, whichever is greater.

    If the preauthorization is successful, the cardholder’s name will be added to the check if the check is unnamed. If the cardholder name cannot be read, the card type and last four digits will be added as the check name. 

    Insert or swipe a card for preauthorization to automatically capture the cardholder name. If a card is tapped, Square will not be able to capture the cardholder name and it must be manually entered for the check to be named. If preauthorization fails, try another card.

    From the Checkout tab

    1. From the Square Restaurants POS app navigation menu, tap Checkout.
    2. Start a tab by:
      • Tap, dip, or swipe a card.
      • Tap Add pre-authorization or the preauthorization icon > tap, dip, or swipe the card.
    3. Tap Save.

    From the Orders tab

    1. From the Square Restaurants POS app navigation menu, tap Orders.
    2. Start a tab by:
      • Tap, dip, or swipe a card
      • Tap the + icon to start a new order > tap, dip, or swipe a card.
    3. Tap Save.

    Manage preauthorizations

    You can manage any pending preauthorizations from the Square Restaurants POS app.

    Preauthorize a different card

    1. From the Square Restaurants POS app navigation menu, tap Checkout.
    2. Tap the preauthorization icon > tap Remove and pre-authorize a new card.
    3. Tap, dip, or swipe a new card.

    Remove a preauthorization

    1. From the Square Restaurants POS app navigation menu, tap Checkout.
    2. Tap the preauthorization icon > Remove pre-authorization.

    If an error occurs, tap Retry.

    Complete a preauthorized transaction

    If a check has a preauthorization associated, the preauthorized card will be the first payment method listed during checkout. If the customer asks to pay their tab by using a split tender payment, the preauthorized payment can only be used for one of the split payments. To complete a preauthorized transaction:

    1. From the Square Restaurants POS app navigation menu, tap **Checkout**. 

    2. Tap Pay > choose the top **Pre-authorize [Card ####]** option. 

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