Update customer loyalty profiles
About updating customer loyalty profiles
Square Loyalty integrates with the Square Point of Sale app and your Customer Directory to keep track of your customers' loyalty statuses. View a customer's loyalty status from their profile activity feed to see when they enrolled, points and rewards earned, redemptions, and more.
Before you begin
You have two options for updating information in your customer's profile:
Square Dashboard
Square Point of Sale (POS) app
Before you can update customer loyalty profiles, you need to have added customers to your directory, and created a loyalty program with customers enrolled.
Manually adjust a customer's loyalty points
- Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Customers > Customer directory.
- Search and select the customer in question.
- Under Loyalty, click Manage > Adjust status.
- Click Add or Remove to enter a value and reason.
- Click Save.
Update a customer's loyalty phone number
- Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Customers > Customer directory.
- Search and select the customer.
- Click Edit and update their phone number.
- Click Save.
Merge a customer's loyalty profile
Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Customers > Customer directory.
Search and select the customer in question.
Click ••• next to their name > Merge with another Customer.
Search and select the customer with which you would like to merge.
Click Review > Merge.
Merging customers that each have loyalty accounts associated with them will combine the earned points. Both profiles being merged must be enrolled in your loyalty program in order to select the correct phone number. From here, ensure the customer uses the same phone number they enrolled with when claiming a loyalty point going forward.
Unlink your customers' linked cards
If a customer accidentally links their phone number to the wrong payment card, or vice versa, you can always unlink the two. If you're not sure which phone number a card was linked to, you can search for the payment in the Transactions tab in Square Dashboard using the last 4 digits of the payment card, then clicking Paid By in the payment details to find the customer profile. You can also search for a customer's profile using their full phone number.
To unlink a customer's payment card:
Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Customers > Customer directory.
Search for your customer by name or phone number.
Click ••• > Managed Cards.
Check the box for each of the cards you'd like to unlink.
Click Unlink > Confirm Unlink.