
Square Local FAQ

What is Square Local?

Square Local, or Square Local Offers, is a platform where you can find cash back offers from your local businesses participating on the platform. You can earn rewards by supporting local businesses.

Why do I have to create an account?

To earn cash back, we require users to add at least one payment card (credit or debit). To keep your information secure, we require you to create an account.

How do I create an account?

To create a Square Local account:

  1. Visit the Square Local Offers page.
  2. Click the Sign-in button.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Enter your cell phone number, and click Send code.
  5. Enter the code sent to your cell phone and click Sign in.
  6. You will be asked to enter your email address so that you can receive important updates on your accounts.
  7. You will be asked to add a credit card, or if you had previously enabled Square Pay, you can select the card(s) you would like to enable for Square Local.
  8. Any new cards you add to Square Local will also be enabled for Square Pay.

I don’t have a cell phone number. How can I sign up?

Unfortunately, using a phone number is the only way to sign up for Square Local at this time.

What should I do if I did not receive a login code on my phone?

When you request a login code to be delivered to your phone via SMS, it is possible that the message is sent to the spam folder on your phone. In addition, double check to ensure there are no settings that could block the phone number these messages are being sent from and if there are any blocks to remove them. Lastly, reach out to your carrier to inquire why messages aren’t being delivered.

If none of these troubleshooting steps help resolve your issue, please reach out to squarelocaloffers@squareup.com.

Why do I have to add a credit card to my account?

To ensure a seamless experience to earn cash back, we require that you add a credit or debit card to your Square Local account.

You can add a payment card when you sign up for a Square Local account or on your Square Local account page.

I don’t have a credit or debit card. Can I earn cash back?

No, unfortunately Square Local does not support earning cash back without using a credit card or a debit card.

I cannot see offers in my city. How do I update my location?

Square Local is currently only available in Atlanta and Portland . If you are interested in the cashback offers from either of these cities but have your location set to the other, you can send an email to squarelocaloffers@squareup.com and request to have your location updated. If you are not interested in the offers from either location, you are welcome to unsubscribe from emails at any time to stop receiving offers not relevant to your location.

How do I unsubscribe from emails?

You can unsubscribe directly from the newsletter by clicking the UNSUBSCRIBE link at the bottom of the email.

How do I earn cash back?

Once you’ve activated an offer for a merchant, you can shop at the merchant’s business using one of the supported payment methods. After you shop at the merchant, using an active offer, you will receive the cash back, which is the offer percentage times the subtotal amount of the bill, within minutes of the transaction.

What are the supported payment methods?

Physical cards

You can use a credit or debit card after you have added it to your Square Local account. You can add a payment card when you sign up for a Square Local account or on your Square Local account page.

Virtual cards (e.g., Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay)

Currently, our system is limited to recognizing virtual card transactions for Visa, MasterCard, and Discover cards. However, it’s possible our system might not be able to identify your transaction. We recommend you pay for your transaction using a physical card, rather than a virtual or digital card, like Apple Pay.

Please make sure to add your card to Square Local prior to adding it to Apple, Google, or Samsung Pay. If you forgot, remove the card from your profile and re-add it — this will help us track Apple Pay transactions in the future.

Cash App Pay

Cash App Pay is a contactless payment method for Cash App customers to pay merchants using their Cash App. The purchase is funded using Cash App balance. If there are insufficient funds in the Cash App balance, the customer’s linked debit card will instead fund the purchase.

To use Cash App Pay with Local Offers, you’ll need to link your Local Offers account to a Cash App account first.

How do I link or unlink my Cash App account?

To link your Cash App account

  1. Go to your Local Offers account page
  2. Scroll down to the “Cash App” section
  3. Click on “link” to start the linking flow
  4. You’ll be redirected to Cash App to grant permission. If you don’t have Cash App installed already, you’ll be prompted to install it first.
  5. Follow the prompts to link Square to Cash App.
  6. You’ll then be redirected back to your Local Offers account page. You can now see your $cashtag in the “Cash App” section in the Local Offers account page.

NOTE: Only one Local Offers account can be linked to your Cash App account. To link a different Local Offers account to your Cash App account, you’ll need to unlink your Cash App account first before attempting to re-link with a different Local Offers account.

To unlink your Cash App account

  1. Tap the Profile Icon on your Cash App home screen
  2. Select Linked Accounts & Businesses
  3. Select Square
  4. Tap Unlink Account

Do cash back earnings expire?

Yes, cash back earnings will expire after one year of inactivity on your Square Local account. If you do not earn any cash back rewards on Square Local for one year, Square will send you an email requiring you to transfer your cash back rewards to your Cash App account. If you do not transfer your cash back rewards within the time period required by Square, your Rewards will expire. Review our Square Local terms of service for more information.

I visited the seller listed on Square Local, but did not receive the cash back. Why not?

There may be several reasons you did not earn cash back. To earn cash back, make sure you have followed all the instructions below.

Confirm you have activated the offer.

To earn cash back on your transaction, you need to activate the offer for the business before you shop at the business.

Confirm the offer you activated has not expired.

You can only earn cash back on offers that have not expired. To confirm you activated the offer and the offer is still active, go to your Square Local account page and confirm the offer appears under the Active Offers section.

The bill may not have settled.

Food and drink businesses may have up to 36 hours to settle a bill, e.g. to account for additional tips included in the transaction. You will earn a cash back on your transaction after the bill is settled.

Confirm your payment was made on a Square payment system.

If you made the purchase outside of a Square payment system, like DoorDash, then the transaction is NOT eligible for cash back. For online ordering, make sure you purchase from an online site fulfilled by Square. To avoid this issue, you should always navigate to the business’ website from Square Loca.

Confirm you used one of the supported payment methods for the transaction.

If you paid for a transaction using one of the supported payment methods but still did no receive cash back, contact support and include your receipt information so we can manually credit cash back for this transaction.

If you do not have your receipt, please provide the following information:

  • The name of the business where you made the transaction
  • Date and time of the transaction
  • The payment method information
    . The last four digits of the card and the card issuer (e.g. Visa/MasterCard/Amex/etc), or
    . The $cashtag If you paid via Cash App Pay.
  • The purchase amount.

Note: The last four digits on the virtual card are different from those of the physical card, and unique for each device.

To find the last four digits of the virtual card number, select your device and follow the specific instructions:
Apple Pay
Google Pay
Samsung Pay

I’ve earned cash back. How do I use it?

Once you have accumulated at least $10 in cash back, you can transfer your cash back earnings to your Cash App account.

  1. Go to your Local Offers account page.
  2. Click Redeem cash back via Cash App. Note: This button will not be available if you have under $10 cash back in your account.
  3. Enter your Cash App handle.
  4. You should receive a confirmation email acknowledging the transfer request within seven days.
  5. You will receive a notification from Cash App asking you to accept the transfer.

Note: $10 is the minimum amount required to transfer your rewards balance.

How do I receive payment through Cash App?

If you have received a payment from another Cash App customer, you can review that in your account activity feed.

To locate your payment in-app:

  1. Tap the Activity tab on your Cash App home screen.
  2. Select the payment that you want to review.
  3. Tap . . .

Or review the payment online:

  1. Log into your Cash App account at cash.app/account.
  2. On the left, click Activity.
  3. Scroll through this list or use the search bar to locate the payment.
  4. Click on the payment to open more details.

How do I delete my account?

We are sorry to see you go. Please contact Square support to delete your account. If you would like to delete all your account information related to Square, visit our CCPA FAQ for instructions.

If you are a seller looking for support for Square Local, visit Get Started with Square Local to learn more.