Create and edit processing time with Square Appointments
About processing time
With Square Appointments you can use processing time to let clients book during downtimes of existing appointments. For example, if you run a hair salon you can book a customer for a blow dry while another customer’s color treatment is developing. Adding processing time to your services allows you to account for downtime, stay organized, and earn more with added bookings.
Before you begin
You can create, edit, and view processing time from your Square Dashboard.
Before creating a service with processing time, here are some useful definitions:
Initial duration is the time needed to set up before a service (e.g. applying color).
Processing duration is the time needed to allow the initial step to set (e.g. waiting for color to process).
Final duration is the time needed to complete service (e.g. rinse hair, apply treatment).
Total duration of the service is a sum of all the above.
Create a service with processing time
You can create a service with processing time from your Square Dashboard.
Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Items & services (or Items & menus or Items & inventory) > Items.
Select Service Library > Create Service.
Under Duration toggle on Add Processing time.
Adjust the duration of the processing time in the Processing Duration field.
Click Save.
Edit your processing time
Once you’ve enabled processing time for your services, you can adjust or remove that processing time on any individual appointment right from your Square Dashboard.
Sign in to Square Dashboard and click Appointments.
Select the appointment you’d like to edit.
Click on the processing time and remove the processing time, or edit its duration.
Click Save.
View your processing time on your appointments calendar
Sign in to Square Dashboard and click Appointments.
Select Calendar to view your appointments.